question archive Question BUS 335 Week 3 Quiz 2 Question 1 4 out of 4 points Noncompliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986) could result in ________

Question BUS 335 Week 3 Quiz 2 Question 1 4 out of 4 points Noncompliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986) could result in ________

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BUS 335 Week 3 Quiz 2

Question 1

4 out of 4 points

Noncompliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986) could result in ________.

A.imprisonment for up to six months

B.fines equal to $50,000 for each unauthorized alien employed

C.summary closing of a business

D.imprisonment of the alien for up to five years

Question 2

4 out of 4 points

Statutory law is derived from _________.

A. court cases

B. the U.S. constitution and its amendments

C. written documents passed by legislative bodies

D. agencies at the federal, state and local levels

Question 3

4 out of 4 points

Which of the following is not covered by the Civil Rights Act?

A. Race

B. Sex

C. disability status

D. all of these are covered by the Civil Rights Act

Question 4

0 out of 4 points

Where reasonable accommodations for disabled individuals are concerned, it can be said that ________.

A. accommodation is always required for an otherwise qualified individual

B. specific examples of accommodations are rarely indicated in laws and regulations

C. the issue of "undue hardship" to the employer is not addressed by the law

D. the need to accommodate often hinges on whether or not a given job function is necessary or essential

Question 5

4 out of 4 points

The common law principle which states that, in the absence of any contract language to the contrary, either the employer or employee may terminate the employment relationship at any time is called _________.

A. employment-at-will

B. affirmative action

C. equal employment opportunity

D. a consent decree

Question 6

4 out of 4 points

The essence of a BFOQ is that __________.

A. it is always illegal

B. it reduces discrimination

C. it justifies discrimination based on reasonable necessity of the job

D. it prohibits selection through use of a protected characteristic (e.g., gender)

Question 7

4 out of 4 points

The role of federal agencies is to ___________.

A. develop, create, and implement the law

B. interpret, administer, and enforce the law

C. facilitate greater communication between courts

D. render decisions in court cases regarding employment law

Question 8

4 out of 4 points

Disparate treatment focuses on _________.

A. allegations and evidence about the effects of discriminatory actions

B. allegations and evidence about intentions to discriminate

C. adverse impact

D. quotas 

Question 9

4 out of 4 points

The initial burden of proof in discrimination claims lies ______.

A. with the defendant

B. with the court

C. equally with the court and the federal agency

D. with the plaintiff

Question 10

4 out of 4 points

A _________ is a civil wrong that occurs when the employer violates a duty owed to its employees or customers that results in harm or damages.

A. tort

B. crime

C. constitutional law violation

D. failure of due process

Question 11

4 out of 4 points

Enforcement mechanisms used by the OFCCP _________.

A. rarely involve employer site visits

B. are identical to those used by the EEOC

C. are unrelated to specific AA plans

D. may involve conciliation agreements

Question 12

4 out of 4 points

In EEOC cases, a consent decree is _________.

A. mandated by law

B. court approved

C. limited to non-monetary relief

D. limited to affirmative action remedies

 Question 13

4 out of 4 points

When using stock statistics in job selection discrimination cases, the comparison being made is __________.

A. differences in proportions of groups hired

B. percentages of groups concentrated in certain job categories

C. percentages of groups in job categories relative to their availability in the population

D. percentages of union versus non-unionized employees

Question 14

4 out of 4 points

Due process rights have their primary source in _________.

A. EEOC guidelines

B. federal statutes

C. state statutes

D. the U.S. Constitution Amendments

Question 15

4 out of 4 points

Executive Order 11246 covers __________.

A. local government employers

B. private employers with under 15 employees

C. federal contractors with contracts in excess of $10,000

D. private employers with 20 or more employees

Question 16

4 out of 4 points

Managers are especially concerned about all of the following issues because of the aging workforce except ________.

A.loss of skillsdue toretirement

B. decreased ability to learn new material

C. increases in medical expenses

D. employee elder-care responsibilities

Question 17

4 out of 4 points

In general, the labor force is becoming _____.

A. younger

B. older

C. less skilled

D. less diverse 

 Question 18

4 out of 4 points

What percentage of employers believe high school graduates are deficient in work habits such as professionalism, critical thinking, personal accountability, and time management?





Question 19

4 out of 4 points

Passive diversity planning means ________.

A. reviewing policies and ensure there is no discrimination 

B. encouraging underrepresented groups to apply

C. actively recruiting from a variety of sources that are likegroups

D. providing additional training for underrepresented group

Question 20

4 out of 4 points

The major legal issue for HR strategy and planning is ________.

A. affirmative action plans

B. disparate treatment

C. disparate impact

D. sexual harassment

Question 21

4 out of 4 points

A key advantage of having a core work force is that it provides _________.

A. greater predictability

B. increased ability to rapidly modify organizational plans

C. greater organizational profitability

D. lower costs

Question 22

4 out of 4 points

The process of determining reconciliation and gaps tells managers ______. many employees wneeded for jobs in the cperiod

B. why employees are leaving the organization

C. which activities should be performed to place new empl

D. when employees are most likely to quit

Question 23

4 out of 4 points

A transition matrix would appear in a __________.


B. stochastic analysis

C. Markov analysis

D. time series analysis

Question 24

4 out of 4 points

A manager has collected data on sales, the economy, and taxes over a number of years, and statistically estimates an equation that describes how each of these predictors has affected staffing levels in the past. This equation is used to predict future staffing levels. This is an example of ______________.

A. regression analysis

B. ratio analysis

C. trend analysis

D. Markov analysis

Question 25

4 out of 4 points

Affirmative action plans and programs do not originate from ________.

A. voluntary employer efforts 

B. court-imposed remedies for discriminatory practices 

C. consent agreements 

D. international treaties 

Question 26

4 out of 4 points

Manager judgment is an important method for staffing in __________.

A.organizations with extensive records on human resources outcomes

B.smaller organizations

C.organizations with lateral diffusion of responsibility

D.organizations in the manufacturing sector

Question 27

0 out of 4 points

Population-based HRP consists of __________.

A. organizational responses to sudden changes in the environment

B. planning focused on a specific employee group

C. planning that is part of the organization's strategic planning process

D. planning based on best practices of competitors 

Question 28

4 out of 4 points

Which of the following would not be addressed in forecasting HR availabilities?

A. promotions

B. transfers

C. exits

D. motivation level

Question 29

4 out of 4 points

Markov analysis is a technique for ___________.

A. job analysis

B. availability forecasting

C. HR requirement forecasting

D. seniority estimation

Question 30

4 out of 4 points

A(n) ______ provides specific task and project assistance to the organization, such as maintenance, bookkeeping, advertising, programming, and consulting, with payment contingent on completion of the project (rather than time worked or methods of completing the task).

A.external service provider

B.independent contractor

C.temporary worker

D.offshore site


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