question archive Cyber-Bullying Social networkingsites provide a virtual space where individuals can communicate with friendsand meet new people
Subject:BiologyPrice: Bought3
Social networkingsites provide a virtual space where individuals can communicate with friendsand meet new people. While intended for these purposes, these sites also can beharmful by making individuals vulnerable to cyber-bullying. In a virtual world,individuals can easily hide their true identities. An adult woman can pose asan adolescent boy in order to bully an adolescent girl. This was the case inthe Megan Meier incident. In October 2006, Megan was a victim of cyber-bullyingthat occurred through a social networking site. The offender, Lori Drew, wasthe mother of Megan’s female friend. She cyber-bullied Megan by posing as anadolescent boy, targeting Megan’s low self-esteem, ultimately resulting inMegan committing suicide.
At the time thisincident occurred, there was no legislation related to cyber-bullying. LoriDrew was charged with conspiracy and unauthorized access of a computer for violatingthe social networking site’s Terms of Service. Drew was convicted of threemisdemeanor violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. She faced up to 3years in prison and a $300,000 fine. Drew, however, never served jail time norpaid any fine. The conviction was overturned by U.S. District Judge George Wuin July 2009.
For thisDiscussion, review the Megan Meier case and current legislation oncyber-bullying outlined in “Guarding Against a Radical Redefinition ofLiability for Internet Misrepresentation: The United States v. Drew Prosecutionand the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.” Consider how the outcome for theoffender in the case might be different if the crime was to occur today.
Post by Day 2 an explanationof how the outcome might be different for the offender in the Megan Meier caseif the offense happened today. Support your response with references to currentcyber-bullying legislation and/or rulings on current cyber-bullying cases.
One and a half page with at least two references....
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