question archive Well, it is that time – yes, time for that talk

Well, it is that time – yes, time for that talk

Subject:BiologyPrice: Bought3

Well, it is that time – yes, time for that talk. Forthis activity, you will develop a PowerPoint presentation about humanreproduction. You are to pretend that the presentation is what you will use togive your son and/or daughter “the talk” about human reproduction.


Make sure you use correct terminology, and include thefollowing in your presentation:

· Overall purpose of the reproductivesystems

· Information about the male and femalesystems

· At least two visual aids illustrating thetwo systems

· Structure and function of the organsinvolved

· Practicing “safe sex” and preventingpregnancy and STDs

· Use bulleted information on slides (fivelines or less)

· Include detail in the speaker’s notes

· Include a separate title slide and aseparate reference slide

· Use appropriate font and backgrounds

· Include at least six slides (not countingyour title slide or reference slide)


Usethis as a checklist – your presentation must include everything for full credit.

Your PPT should only include information about theReproductive System and should include the following:

Make sure you use correct terminology, and include thefollowing in your presentation:

· Overall purpose of the reproductivesystems – 5pts

· Information about the male and femalesystems – 5pts

· At least two visual aids illustrating thetwo systems – 5pts

· Structure and function of the organsinvolved – 5pts

· Practicing “safe sex” and preventingpregnancy and STDs – 5pts

· Use bulleted information on slides (fivelines or less) – 5pts

· Include detail in the speaker’s notes –5pts

· Include a separate title slide and aseparate reference slide -5pts

· Use appropriate font and backgrounds –5pts

· Include at least 6 slides (not countingyour title & reference slide) and use correct spelling – 5pts


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