question archive The following letter was written to William Johnson, a merchant in the Mohawk territory of New York, by John Catherwood, Secretary to NY Governor Clinton
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The following letter was written to William Johnson, a merchant in the Mohawk territory of New York, by John Catherwood, Secretary to NY Governor Clinton.
New York Sept 5, 1745
Dear Sir;There is one Jane Watson come from Your part of the country who says she lived with You a servant, & is come now to this city, & this day has hired herself to His Exys. Lady .As she is a stranger she refers herself to you for a character, & I beg Youl be so good to be genuine in it, with respect to her honesty & behavior while with you. She says she came from Ireland a young girl with her Uncle one Macky who lives [ ] Philadelphia. I beg Youl send me an Answer as soon as possible & believe me very truly SirYour most Obdet Hble ServantJn CatherwoodHistorians use primary sources like this letter to learn about the past. What information can you extract from John Catherwood’s letter? What does it tell you about employment practices, social interaction, immigration, and the households of both Gov. Clinton and William Johnson? What else can you learn from the letter?