question archive Text of H

Text of H

Subject:Health SciencePrice:12.89 Bought3

Text of H.R. 1139: Feeding Homeless Youth During COVID–19 Act (Introduced version) -

1) Describe the policy that you are analyzing. Here, READ THE BILL’S TEXT and provide a very brief summary. If the bill is large / complex, containing multiple Titles, with your Instructor’s approval, you can limit your attention to only a portion of the bill / some of the Titles

2) Identify actions taken on this bill (use the “Actions” tab on for federal policies). If the list of actions is very long, you may include it as an appendix rather than in the body of the paper

3) Identify the social problem that the policy under analysis is intended to address. For instance, is it homelessness? Drug and alcohol abuse? Immigration? Use text from the bill to support your statement

4) We will study human rights in greater depth in coming weeks. For now, make and support an assertion that the policy that you've chosen pertains to human rights and/ or social justice. You can examine a list of fundamental human rights here to help you. You can also propose additional human rights not found on the list

5) Explain to which of the 12 Grand Challenges (if more than one, which ones) this problem pertains. Use the website and reference the website -

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