question archive Child Development Essay Instructions: Answer five (5) essay questions—everyone must do the Section A required question plus two questions from Section B and two from Section C

Child Development Essay Instructions: Answer five (5) essay questions—everyone must do the Section A required question plus two questions from Section B and two from Section C

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Child Development Essay

Instructions: Answer five (5) essay questions—everyone must do the Section A required question plus two questions from Section B and two from Section C. Among your chosen essays, make sure there is one on cognitive development and one on psychosocial development (total, not one of each for both middle childhood and adolescence. You will lose credit for omitting any of the requirements.

I am not expecting a 5-page essay per question; however, this is an open book/notes/PPT so I do expect a good amount of detail. Please use the numbers below so I can tell which questions you answered. Make sure your essays are complete and remember it is especially important to make clear to the instructor how much you know!

Instructions: Answer five (5) essay questions—everyone must do the Section A required question plus two questions from Section B and two from Section C. Among your chosen essays, make sure there is one on cognitive development and one on psychosocial development (total, not one of each for both middle childhood and adolescence. You will lose credit for omitting any of the requirements. I am not expecting a 5-page essay per question; however, this is an open book/notes/PPT exam so I do expect a good amount of detail. Please use the numbers below so I can tell which questions you answered. Make sure your essays are complete and remember it is especially important to make clear to the instructor how much you know! Essays should be written in your own words. Copying verbatim from any source without proper citations will be considered plagiarism; any form of plagiarism or cheating will result in a zero for your exam. Don’t doubt yourself. Make yourself proud! Section A: Required Essay What is your perspective on nature/nurture question? Nature, nurture, or interactionist? a. State your world view—nature/nurture/interactionist (organismic/mechanistic/interactionist) b. Provide at least three reasons why you subscribe to that perspective (be sure to provide supporting research evidence). c. Bonus points if you write a few sentences about the top three things you are taking away about child development. Section B: Middle Childhood—Answer 2 Essays 1. What motor skills improve in middle childhood? Design a physical education program that would reinforce motor skill development and allow all children to participate and enjoy the activities. Be sure to consider children with special needs. 2. Going to elementary school introduces new opportunities and new stressors for school-age children. Discuss what schools might do to positively contribute to children’s physical and mental health. 3. In your view, what are the five most important cognitive changes of middle childhood? Provide evidence for your choices. Consider how the new skill of middle childhood is superior to the skills of early childhood. 4. Discuss the new skills of Concrete Operational thinking. What do the new skills allow children to do or do better than younger children? 5. Describe the three types of schooling—public, charter, and homeschooling. Discuss which option you think is best for most children, and why. What elements would you want to incorporate in all types of schools? 6. Summarize the key features of Erikson’s Stage 4. Then discuss how families (parents) and peers play a role in the positive resolution of this psychosocial crisis. 7. List and define the five different types of sibling relationships. Then discuss how sibling relationships may vary by age and/or culture and their importance. 8. Apply Kohlberg’s theory of moral reasoning to the following moral dilemma: Assume you are 10-year-old. You see a classmate steal a book from the school library. Would you tell the librarian? Why? Be sure to state the level of moral reasoning you are employing. Section C is on the next page… Section C: Adolescence—Answer 2 Essays 9. How is the adolescent brain related to risk-taking? Discuss whether risk-taking (and other seemingly negative behaviors associated with the adolescent brain) is necessarily a bad thing, and why. 10. What is the primary outcome of puberty? How does the semi-restrictive American society impact the development of sexuality and intimacy? 11. Outline the main health concerns of adolescence. Then design a program that would encourage adolescents to discuss their concerns with parents and healthcare workers. 12. In your view, what formal operational skills are particularly important for adolescents? Provide evidence for your choices. 13. Define “identity” and list the different selves that are incorporated into identity. Then discuss the similarities and differences of Erikson and Marcia’s identity development theories and with which theory you most agree. 14. Describe Phinney’s theory of ethnic identity development and what factors are important in the development of ethnic and cultural identity. 15. Discuss whether you agree with Erikson that the process of identity development is different for females and males, and why. 16. Discuss how the attachment relationship developed in infancy affects friendship and dating relationships in adolescence (and beyond). 17. Discuss who you think play a more important role in the lives of adolescents—families or peers—and why. 18. What advice would you give to parents about autonomy for adolescents, including in the areas of dating and sexual behavior? 19. What are the advantages and disadvantages of adolescent employment? Assuming there is a choice (i.e., the teen does not need to work for financial reasons), what type of employment would you recommend, if any, and why/why not? 20. Design a sex education program that you think would be effective in bridging the conversation between teens and parents and schools.

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