question archive Write a post (200 words) describing your experience with interviewing for jobs or internships online

Write a post (200 words) describing your experience with interviewing for jobs or internships online

Subject:BusinessPrice:12.89 Bought3

Write a post (200 words) describing your experience with interviewing for jobs or internships online. Describe what went well, what was unexpected, and what you wish you would have known/thought of before entering that situation.

If you have not interviewed online, describe what you think about potentially interviewing online for professional positions in the near future.

Read and respond to 2 of your classmates (50 words each). Either give them advice for their situations or respond to their experiences.

Phillip Nguyen 3:45 I have never personally had an online interview before but I do expect it to be common in the future. When interviewing online, I believe that it will be difficult to portray your personality and a couple other features that are usually noticeable when doing it in person. An online interview would require a good connection with decent equipment so that technical disturbances are limited. If the equipment is not performing well, then it is going to interrupt the interview and look bad to the person you are talking to. Additionally, the setting might be another challenge for online interviews because some people have a loud background so it is going to distract the employer from hearing what you have to say. Also, I think an online interview is not so bad too. The hiring person is still able to see if you are dressed appropriately for the situation as if it is in person. I would feel relieved from anxiety during an online interview because I can be at a comfortable place at home and talk to the person. In the end, I would still prefer to do it in person since it has a natural aspect to it. Evan Tolley : 12:48 I have not interviewed online for any job positions or internships, but I was required to be interviewed online last year shortly after the pandemic began when I was applying to get into my community college's accounting program. It went very well overall, but it caught me off guard that I was being interviewed by 6 or 7 people during the zoom call. I'm not sure if I would have been better off knowing that beforehand because I think it would have made me more nervous. I didn't prepare for the interview beforehand thinking it was going to be fairly casual and looking back I feel like I was lucky that it went as well as it did, I would have prepared much better had I known that the interview process was going to be as intense as it was. Online interviews are nice in the sense that you can do them from the comfort of your home, but in the future I would hope to continue in-person interviews rather than online because I feel like it is a lot easier to make a connection when you are meeting face to face. Being able to actually go into my potential workplace and shake hands with the person interviewing me makes me feel more at ease than talking to someone over a zoom call.

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