question archive Final research paper, usually related to the previously submitted research proposal (but could be unrelated)

Final research paper, usually related to the previously submitted research proposal (but could be unrelated)

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Final research paper, usually related to the previously submitted research proposal (but could be unrelated).

A typical paper structure would be the following -- but feel free to deviate from this if it doesn't seem to fit your research project well.

Abstract - executive (roughly 150 word) summary of the entire paper (2 marks)

I. Introduction - what is the research project about? (2 marks)

II. Motivation - why is this topic important? (2 marks)

III. Background - what background knowledge do we need to understand the research? (2 marks)

IV. Research Method - introducing research questions and methods for data collection and analysis

IV.A Research Questions - what is your research question / are your research questions? (3 marks)

IV.B Data Collection - what data did you collect (describe in enough detail that somebody else could reproduce)? (5 marks)

IV.C Data Analysis - how did you analyse this data (describe in enough detail that somebody else could reproduce)? (5 marks)

V. Findings - what did you find, i.e., what is the answer to your research question(s)? (3 marks)

VI. Discussion - how do you interpret the findings? This is where you can speculate a bit. (2 marks)

VII. Threats to Validity - what threats affect the validity of your findings? (7 marks)

VIII. Related Work - how does your research fit in with other researchers' work? (3 marks)

IX. Conclusions - a quick summary and concluding remarks (2 marks)

X. Future Work - what should others do next based on your work? (2 marks)

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