question archive Advanced writing skills required! 5-10 pages single spaced/ 2,500 words Deadline: May 6th Provide a brief outline for me of how you decided to format it, so I can see how you compare its structure and the main point of each text

Advanced writing skills required! 5-10 pages single spaced/ 2,500 words Deadline: May 6th Provide a brief outline for me of how you decided to format it, so I can see how you compare its structure and the main point of each text

Subject:SociologyPrice:12.89 Bought3

  • Advanced writing skills required!
  • 5-10 pages single spaced/ 2,500 words
  • Deadline: May 6th
  • Provide a brief outline for me of how you decided to format it, so I can see how you compare its structure and the main point of each text.
  • Task: Summary and comparative analysis of two texts by White, attached
  • Two texts/pamphlets attached: White_SCIENCE_2_Symbol and White_SCIENCE_6_Psychological_Explanations
  • Comparing 2 texts based on their structure, his writing approach, general thesis and main supporting facts/topics mentioned to prove the main point.
  • Summary of a text can be a part of the paper, but the major part should be a comparison of the texts on the basis of concepts discussed in class, like the major principles, forms of approach/explanation, or general statements on society and culture.
  • Correct use of references (APA style)
  • Should include at least one comparative illustration (Diagram/clear drawing portraying each text's structure and how the two relate) *You could also make two separate diagrams for each individual text then explain how the two relate*
  • I will attach a few examples showing the diagram part so you can somewhat get inspired on how to format it. (all diagrams attached are for other texts and refer to other content)


White, Leslie (1949) The Science of Culture. New York: Farrar, Strauss & Co. White, Leslie (1949) The Science of Culture. New York: Farrar, Strauss & Co. Primitive Societies Desire for prestige and Need to be admired The concept of Reciprocity -Economic exchange between two individuals, no one specifies what is expected in return or to be given. -unspoken rule to return-if violated one is considered psychotic, possessed Preparation for event(potlatch) -Accumulation of fresh & dried fish, fish oil, berries, animal skins, blankets Kwakiutl Chief vs Rival Chief -Insecure about their status/have to validate position give up more than a guest chief -Grease Feasts(Flame ignited planks in roof, entire house became offering) Potlatch Big Man -Melanesian big men Similar to Chiefs - Work very hard/recieve little at the end -Rational response to economic and social forces. -form of competitive feasting -Involves giving away or destroying more valuables than rivals -Ruth Benedict Competitive Feasting -Evolutionary perspective - Assures the production and distribution of wealth among peoples who have not yet fully acquired a ruling class -Prevents the labor force from falling back to levels of productivity which don't offer any meaningful safety in crises -Creates an extensive network of economic expectations The concept of Redistribution -Give back what you have and more -Form of reciprocity-differs because it is within a group relationship, not just two parties -Eventually redistribution predominated reciprocity Correlation between women going to work/gays coming out - Women liberation, like gay liberation, was made possible by shift in balance of power between anti and pro natalist forces. -Timing of stonewall riots was governed by a mix of convergence of conditions favorable to adopting exclusionist homosexual life style. -both movements represent a different surface of collapse of the marital and procreative imperative and male dominated breadwinner family. Institutional completeness -Gay men/women only use 'gay businesses/services -Gay lawyers, gay bakery, gay bookstore, gay phone line, etc. Homosexuals oppression level in comparison to Black people, women -Altman claims homosexuals needed example of other rebellious movements to break free -They believe they were sick and perverted due to life long oppression -Claims they are more oppressed than black people and women. -If they were so oppressed wouldn't they act sooner than later? Harris thinks gay liberation has more to it-deeper insitutional causal level should be considered. The Stonewall Riots (Gay liberation's relation to other liberation movements) Why the gays were in the closet in the first place -people easily learn to accept homosexual forms of sexuality when there are social precedents or personal advantages involved -Were very repressed -Ancient Greece, South Sudan, New Ginua practiced homosexuality many years -pro-natalist environments Why do people find it 'appalling'? -Werner conducted study- split 39 societies into 2 groups of pronatalist and anti-natalists. -Pro natalist disliked homosexuality -The aversion to homosexuality is greatest where the marital and procreative importance is the strongest. -Moral precepts against any form of non procreative sex. How it relates to birth rato homosexuality increases wire of costs and -Likely that temptation for benefits-associated with children -When there is pressure on people to lower birth rate - With the end of the baby boom, floodgates of non marital and non procreative sex swung open to accomodate childless working men/women. engage in What really caused women liberation? -Could women liberation have come before the civil rights movement? Final thoughts -Women liberation did not create working women. Working women, especially the working housewife created women liberation. -The beginning of the Great inflation sparked the movement. -Needed second income-strong economic pressures on women to break out of the home body role. -Bulk f new jobs-low level information processing jobs/ people processing jobs. -Women realized that married or not they would need to work due to inflation and lack of males with high paid jobs. -The change in Sexual composition of the labor force, reshaped American families and changed the nations patterns of sexual behavior. C Unsatisfactory notions Harris discusses Was Feminism Gaining or Losing strength preceding the rebellion? Why did birth rates rise or fall? Married women -Rebellion by inspiration theory -That it was simply a Chronological series: Civil rights to antiwar, to womens liberation, to -Rebellion came when it did because it was a result of a long slow buildup. -Two decades before rebellion, organized feminist actity was shrinking - The glamorization of housewifes and degradement of working women portrayed feminism was losing strength -Harris explains that one cannot relate the timing of the rebellion to growth of feminist strength. -Rather why did anti feminism gave rise to its opposite? -Birthrate/ baby room in 1940s/1950s -Whatever could of caused the baby bust could of caused the feminist rebellion -Combination of urbanization and industrialization brings declining birth rates. -Change in economic costs and benefits (Children cost more, have less benefits in urban than in rural settings) -Men wanted to keep women at home -Can only marry a man if they could financially support her. -wanted them to stay home to force up the price of labor -Drastic change in participation rate of married women in the labor force broke the back of marital and procreative imperative. -Initially wanted to work to provide supplement to breadwinner husbands income. gay liberation

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