question archive Shelly Cashman Access 2019 | Module 6: End of Module Project 1 Competitive Swim Clubs Inc

Shelly Cashman Access 2019 | Module 6: End of Module Project 1 Competitive Swim Clubs Inc

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Shelly Cashman Access 2019 | Module 6: End of Module Project 1

Competitive Swim Clubs Inc.

Advanced Report Techniques


  • Open the file SC_AC19_EOM6-1_FirstLastName_1.accdb, available for download from the SAM website.
  • Save the file as SC_AC19_EOM6-1_FirstLastName_2.accdb by changing the “1” to a “2”.
    • If you do not see the .accdb file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.
  • To complete this SAM Project, you will also need to download and save the following data files from the SAM website onto your computer:
    • Support_AC19_EOM6-1_Coaches.txt
  • Open the _GradingInfoTable table and ensure that your first and last name is displayed as the first record in the table. If the table does not contain your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.
  1. Competitive Swim Clubs Inc. is a national chain of swim clubs targeted to youth and adults who are or who want to be competitive swimmers. You are the regional manager for clubs located in the Southeastern United States.

    You just hired two new coaches. Import the data from the file Support_AC19_EOM6-1_Coaches.txt, and then append the records to the Coaches table. The text file is a delimited file with a comma separating each of the five fields. Do not save the import steps. There should now be 21 records in the Coaches table. Save and close the table.
  2. Club managers have asked if you can modify a report so that each state prints on a separate page. Open the State Member List Report in Design View and change the Repeat Section property for the State Header section to Yes. Change the Force New Page property to Before Section. Save but do not close the report.
  3. With the State Member List Report still open in Design View, add the current date and time to the Report Header section. Use the option button to select the second date form (e.g., 01-Aug-19) and the second time form (e.g., 4:19 PM). Then, resize the report so that the right boundary of the report is at the 8.5" mark on the horizontal ruler. Save and close the report.
  4. Open the Queen City Fees Report in Design View and change the Text11 label in the Page Header section using InitialFees as the new caption for the label control. Resize the label to display the entire caption. Then, format the text box containing the =[RegistrationFee]+[MonthlyFee] calculation so that it displays as currency with two decimal places. Save the report, and then switch to Report View. Confirm that your report matches Figure 1, and then close the report.

* Figure 1: Queen City Fees Report in Report View


The figure shows the Queen City Fees Report in Report View. The Text11 label in the Page Header section has been changed to InitialFees. The calculation for InitialFees displays as currency with two decimal places.


  1. Open the Club-Members Report in Design View and add a subreport based on the Members table. Include the MemberID, FirstName, and LastName fields in the subreport. Link the main report to the subreport using the default link and save the subreport as Members subreport, which is the default name. If necessary, reposition the subreport so that the top-left edge of the subreport is at the 1" mark on the vertical ruler and the 1" mark on the horizontal ruler. The bottom-right edge of the subreport control is at 2" mark on the vertical ruler and the 6" mark on the horizontal ruler. Confirm that the report matches Figure 2, and then save and close the report.

* Figure 2: Club-Members Report in Design View




  1. Open the Registration Totals Report in Design View. Add a text box control to the Report Footer section. The left edge of the control is at the 6" mark on the horizontal ruler. Convert the text box control into a calculated control that sums the RegistrationFee field. (Hint: Your control should contain the formula =Sum([RegistrationFee]).) Format the control so that it displays as currency with zero decimal places. Finally, change the label using Total as the new caption for the label control. Confirm that the report matches Figure 3, and then save and close the report.

* Figure 3: Registration Totals Report in Design View




  1. Use Report Design View to create a new report for the Coaches table. Save the report using Basic Coaches Report as the report name. Include the CoachID, FirstName, LastName, and ClubID fields in the report. The left edges of the four controls should be at the 3" mark on the horizontal ruler, and only a single dotted line should separate the fields vertically. Add a title to the report. The report title should be the same as the name of the report. Add page numbers to the report in the Page Header section, using the Page N of M format and Right alignment. Confirm that the report matches Figure 4, and then save and close the report.

* Figure 4: Basic Coaches Report in Design View

Save and close any open objects in your database. Compact and repair your database, close it, and then exit Access. Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your completed project.

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