question archive worksheet Make the following calculations in each of the two worksheets without grouping the sheets

worksheet Make the following calculations in each of the two worksheets without grouping the sheets

Subject:BiologyPrice:9.82 Bought3

worksheet Make the following calculations in each of the two worksheets without grouping the sheets . In cell B4 , enter a function to sum the Quantity in Stock data and then apply Comma Style with zero decimal places to the result . In cells B 5 :B 8 , enter form ulas to calculate the Average , Median, Lowest and Highest retail prices and then apply the Accounting Number Format In each of the two worksheets make the following calculation without grouping the sheets . In cell B10 enter a COUNTIF function to determine how many different types of Tulips are in stock on the Bulbs sheet and how many different types of Evergreens are in stock on the Trees worksheet. Without grouping the worksheets complete the following in each worksheet

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