question archive Businesses need resources in order to conduct their business—to produce and sell a product or to provide a service

Businesses need resources in order to conduct their business—to produce and sell a product or to provide a service

Subject:Computer SciencePrice:9.82 Bought3

Businesses need resources in order to conduct their business—to produce and sell a product or to provide a service. The expenditure cycle is concerned with the acquisition of ?xed assets, raw materials, or manufactured components and the use of employee labor to yield a ?nished product. As was the case in the revenue cycle, this effort can be viewed as having both a physical phase and a ?nancial phase. Required: a. Describe the purpose of purchasing department serve. (3 marks) b. Explain the advantages are achieved in choosing: i. a basic batch computer system over a manual system. ii. a batch system with real-time data input over a basic batch system. (8 marks)

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