question archive Topic: Should companies monitor employees at work ?(yes) You have accept that to monitor employees is ethical

Topic: Should companies monitor employees at work ?(yes) You have accept that to monitor employees is ethical

Subject:ManagementPrice: Bought3

Topic: Should companies monitor employees at work ?(yes)

You have accept that to monitor employees is ethical.You should to use the text below and Immanuel Kant's third principle which claims: ,, Our actions must be acceptable to every rational human being, not because they have been told to accept them, but because they are rationally acceptable''

"The federal Electronic Communications Privacy Act makes clear that workplace e-mail [is] the property of the employer, and employees should not expect privacy when sending, receiving, downloading, uploading, printing or otherwise transmitting electronic messages," she said. 
At least two-thirds of companies monitor employees for e-mail infractions, and half have fired workers for those infractions. 
The most common kinds of misuse tend to be violation of company policies, inappropriate language, excessive personal use or breaking confidentiality. 
Courts have ruled that if an employer owns the computers and runs the computer network, it's generally free to read employee e-mail messages, as long as there's a valid business purpose for doing so. 
So what constitutes a "valid business purpose"? Human resource experts and employment lawyers say there can be several valid reasons. 
One reason might be to protect a company from theft or from damage to its reputation or brand. Another might be to secure evidence in the case of a lawsuit. A third may be to ensure that the workplace is free of harassment. A company may also want to monitor the e-mails of an employee suspected of sending proprietary or inappropriate information to a competitor


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