question archive What social norm did you break? Did you receive any informal sanctions from those who witnessed that behavior? Would the behavior you preformed have been considered 'normal' had you been a different person (from a different culture, been a different age, been a different gender, or lived in a different time period)? If you were to perform the behavior without anyone watching, do you still think the act would be considered deviant?

What social norm did you break? Did you receive any informal sanctions from those who witnessed that behavior? Would the behavior you preformed have been considered 'normal' had you been a different person (from a different culture, been a different age, been a different gender, or lived in a different time period)? If you were to perform the behavior without anyone watching, do you still think the act would be considered deviant?

Subject:WritingPrice: Bought3

What social norm did you break? Did you receive any informal sanctions from those who witnessed that behavior? Would the behavior you preformed have been considered 'normal' had you been a different person (from a different culture, been a different age, been a different gender, or lived in a different time period)? If you were to perform the behavior without anyone watching, do you still think the act would be considered deviant?


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