question archive Matt accepts a job offer as a chemical engineer in the R&D department of Tulip Inc

Matt accepts a job offer as a chemical engineer in the R&D department of Tulip Inc

Subject:Operations ManagementPrice:2.87 Bought7

Matt accepts a job offer as a chemical engineer in the R&D department of Tulip Inc., paint- manufacturing company. After accepting the job offer, he signs an employment contract stating that the results of his research would be the sole property of the company. Matt comes up with an innovative paint formula which could withstand extreme temperatures. He receives a promotion and a handsome package for his work. However, he is annoyed that the formula was not patented in his name. In the context of the given scenario, which of the following statements is true?

a. The advances made by Matt on the job fall under the management and control of his organization.

b. Matt's formula is his own intellectual property and he has the right to use it as he sees fit.

c. Since the formula can be patented only by Matt, the company is legally required to pay him 30% of the total profits gained.

d. The company can receive a fine up to $5 million for drawing a contract that is unenforceable. 

Option 1

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