question archive 1) Bev Hello The one technique that I would find difficult, would be answering questions with confidence
Subject:BusinessPrice: Bought3
1) Bev
The one technique that I would find difficult, would be answering questions with confidence. To be more exact is to “artfully dodge” questions. I tend to answer questions head-on. I have not learned how to be tactful in certain situations. I tend to think that I do not want to mince words. I want all to have a clear understanding. But sometimes a little more flowering or tactfulness is needed to make alliances.
Beverly Bellamy
Gallo, A., (2010). How to Get Your Idea Approved. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from
2. Matt
Looking over the different techniques for getting ideas approved, I think my personal hardest falls inside of the concept of keeping things simple. I consider myself to be someone who is very transparent and sometimes that leads to broadcasting more information than people maybe need to know or maybe information they actually care about. My goal is to build confidence in my audience by providing full spectrum scope over topics but I can see how it could be a hindrance when it comes to pitching an idea. I think the most beneficial tactic to overcome this potential shortfall is to use feedback from the people I work with. Luckily I have peers whose perspective I value so I believe this is a very manageable barrier.
Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.
3. Edel
Good Morning Professor and Class,
The technique that would be most difficult for me as I work towards a problem solution implementation within my organization would be positioning my message for the audience. In my line of work there are a lot of different thoughts and opinions on everything that is done in the construction industry so it can be difficult to position one message for the audience without it being overwhelming for other or losing track of what the main message is. When positioning for an audience, this means tailoring a specific message and plan for the audience that is in front of you and showing how these ideas can benefit them and showing them how they can build their legacy around your idea (Gallo, 2010). If one can do this, it will help to create a positive mindset which will help them to accept your idea or proposal (Gallo, 2010). As stated earlier, in the construction industry, getting everyone to agree on one thing can be difficult. I had to gather over 180 local subcontracting companies and get them all to agree on how a contract should be written, word for word, so that it would make contracting fair, for all subcontractors in the state of Arizona to bring this to the Senate and have a bill passed. This required gathering stories from everyone on what their struggles were, how they were treated by sone of the bigger general contractors and finally instead of arguing, they saw that they shared a lot of commonalities in all of this and that if we could work together and be one voice, we could make a real difference. This was a technique that was time consuming, but successful, and it put us all in one position for our audience who just happened to be the Senate in the state of Arizona. SB 1271 passed, and this was a huge success for the construction industry in Arizona.
Gallo, A. (2010, November 15). How To Get Your Idea Approved. Retrieved from Harvard Business Reveiw:
4. Dan
I know, this is not directly related to week 8 learning topics, but, what are your recommendations in regard to dealing with people who are not patient?
5. James
Based upon my experience with completing the action research project my strongest thing is I would tell people is do your research. My suggestions I give to others about implementing an action research process in order to address an organizational problem is to understand the problem they are addressing. Afterwards, be clear and have the correct information and up to date information. Old data or incorrect data can have an negative effect on your proposal. Also, tap in to the brains of others and see their thoughts on the matter. How does your idea benefit them? They may stand to gain prestige, cost savings, or an opportunity to build their legacy around your idea (Gallo, 2010).
6. Paul
After completing the business proposal, I have learned a lot about the action research process. Many effective techniques can help us in optimally implementing this research project. Firstly, I would emphasize selecting a topic that should be precise, easy to understand, and summarized, which will help in giving us a direction in which we should move further and put our energies. To implement action research, I have found field notes most effective. It allows us to have an overview of the market, which helps find the most appropriate solution that fixes the main problem and the underlying issues (Mertler, 2009). In implementing the solution, both qualitative and quantitative data provide extensive and enormous information that gives a direction to the project.
If the team successfully identifies the root causes of the problem, it becomes easier to find and implement the solution (Mobley, n.d.). In final solution prioritization, it is necessary to keep in mind that significant problems hinder the organizational process and objective and other minor issues that can harm the organization in the future. Presenting the proposal summary and financial fund requirement from the executives also nails the implementation of the proposed project. If compared with given conditions, archival data and existing reports also help identify whether the information we have collected is sufficient or if we need to explore further. Cost-benefit analysis is fundamental in finding a solution to the problem; it also helps us identifying our strategy either we are going in the right direction or not. The effective system helps us achieve our goal within budget and defined time and ensures more market share (By the Mind Tools Content Team, n.d.).