question archive Instructions China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan We have been focused on national and cultural differences and how they influence economic and business values in this unit

Instructions China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan We have been focused on national and cultural differences and how they influence economic and business values in this unit

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China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan

We have been focused on national and cultural differences and how they influence economic and business values in this unit. The case study, "China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan," can be found on page 126 of the course textbook. You will be required to read the case study and answer the following questions.

  1. When Goldman Sachs chief economist Jim O'Neill coined the acronym BRIC in 2001 to refer to Brazil, Russia, India, and China, the focus was to highlight the immense collective economic potential of these countries. Since that time, China and Russia have influenced the international marketplace in political ways as well. How do you think these four countries—or a subset of them—will likely influence the world's cultures in the next 10 years?
  2. Anyone who has been to Hong Kong typically says it is different from mainland China, more like Singapore, albeit with a strong connection to China. Do you think Hong Kong will become more like China in the next few years, or will China leverage Hong Kong as an asset to engage more capitalistically in the international marketplace instead?
  3. Macau was under Portuguese influence until 1999, which is not that long ago. Many in Macau welcomed the Chinese takeover so that the area could be better taken care of (e.g., infrastructure, economy). But being part of the Portuguese administration from 1887 to 1999 clearly has imbued their cultural values and beliefs in the mindset of Macau's citizens. How are these values and beliefs likely to influence the Macau–China relationship in the years to come?
  4. Taiwan maintains diplomatic relations with some 76 member states of the United Nations (19 in an official capacity and 57 in an unofficial capacity). The nation's culture is a blend of Confucianist Han Chinese and Taiwanese aboriginal influences. How would you handle the link between China and Taiwan—culturally, economically, and politically?

Your paper needs to be at least four full pages in length excluding the title and reference pages. You must include at least two sources in your assignment. One source can be the course textbook. The second source should be from the CSU online library. The paper must be in the APA format, include a title/cover page, in-text citations, and a properly formatted reference section.You do not need to include an abstract for this assignment. Should you choose to include one, the abstract does not count toward the two-page minimum length requirement. If you are unsure about the APA formatting requirements, please be sure to review the formatting information provided for you in the classroom, student portal, and Writing Center.


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