question archive Quality Matters In this installment of the RPZ Marketing scenario videos, you're continuing your work as an organizational consultant for the new company

Quality Matters In this installment of the RPZ Marketing scenario videos, you're continuing your work as an organizational consultant for the new company

Subject:ManagementPrice: Bought3

  • Quality Matters
    In this installment of the RPZ Marketing scenario videos, you're continuing your work as an organizational consultant for the new company. Today, you're meeting with several people. One of them, Charlie Handler, is the operations manager at RPZ Marketing. Charlie worked previously at RPZ Social Media Analytics and is now in charge of organizing resources at RPZ Marketing.
    Charlie's job has gotten a lot more complicated since the merger, and he's having a hard time distributing resources effectively.
    Today, Charlie has asked you to stop by and give him some advice. As you watch this week's scenario, think about how you would advise Charlie.
    What do you need to know about the role and functions of business operations in general and at RPZ specifically to help him succeed and ensure the quality of RPZ's services?This week, you will focus on the role and functions of business operations. The actual work of operations departments varies depending on the company. The operations department of a service company, for example, typically revolves around employees working directly with customers, whereas employees in the operations department of a company manufacturing products may never come in direct contact with customers.
    Personnel representing the operations function of a business providing services are in direct contact with customers and create the framework for the day-to-day customer experience. The quality of their work determines customers’ impressions of the business and its services.
    • What You Need To Know: Learn about the importance of maintaining quality and how operations management has evolved and adapted to changing conditions and needs. Watch an RPZ scenario video centered on a resource distribution issue.
    • Discussion: Participate in the weekly discussion activity in Yellowdig.
    • Prepare: Get acquainted with the Capella library and explore the resources it offers to help you conduct research and develop information literacy skills.
    • Prepare: Spend quality time with videos, tutorials, and other resources designed to help you learn how to format citations according to current APA.
  • Daily Bonus: Monday
    Log in every day, Monday through Friday, for a new question.
    Each question is worth 1 point of extra credit, and gives you a chance to practice material and learn more about the course.
  • Discussion OverviewIn this week's discussion, you will choose among three options: respond to the scenario video presented in the What You Need to Know activity, share 2–3 resources you found in the Capella library that you believe will be valuable, or share which readings this week are most relevant to you.
  • What You Need to KnowWhat Quality Means
    Review this article to learn why maintaining quality matters.
    • Yankelevitch, S. (2015). Wearing the hat of quality: What does it really mean? The Quality Management Journal22(2), 6–10.
      • This article helps to show that quality for a company begins with every employee in an organization, not just the one person with the title.
    • The Changing Face of Operations Management
      Operations management, like everything else in today's business landscape, is constantly evolving and adapting. Read this article to understand how and why.
    • Nair, V. V. (2017). Is sustainability in operations just a question of adopting standards? [PDF]. Journal of Supply Chain Management Systems6(2), 52–58.
      • Explore the advances of technology and processes that are changing the framework of traditional operations management practices. Decision making at all levels in an organization is real time today, and operations management must change with it.
    • RPZ Scenario
      In this week's installment of the RPZ scenario videos, Charlie Handler, operations manager at RPZ, needs your advice. Charlie's job has gotten a lot more complicated since the merger, and he’s having a hard time distributing resources effectively. As you watch the scenario, think about how you would advise Charlie. What questions would you ask him?
    • Aligning Resources.
  • Prepare: Online Research SkillsOne of the key skills needed to achieve success in your program, and in most business roles, is the ability to locate information sources that are valid, credible, and current, and provide the information you need. In this activity, you will learn how to use the Capella library and begin building these valuable research skills.
    Many new Capella learners find academic libraries and the prospect of doing research somewhat overwhelming at first. To help you learn how to approach research and find the resources you need in the Capella library, Capella librarians have created the Undergraduate First Course Research Guide. Review the information available in this guide, and save this link as a resource for use throughout this course.
    Now, visit the Capella University Library and get to know the variety of resources available to you as a Capella learner. Becoming familiar with these resources and how to use the library now will save you time later, when you are completing assignments. In the library, review the following pages:
    • Getting Started With the Library.
    • If you haven't already done so, go through Tour the Library to familiarize yourself with the many library resources.
    • On the Library Research and Information Literacy Skills page, pay particular attention to the information in the following skill areas:
      • Find Scholarly & Peer Reviewed Sources.
      • Get Critical Search Skills.
      • Think Critically About Source Quality.
  • Prepare: Citations and APAWhat Are Citations?
    Capella University has a policy requiring learners to maintain academic honesty in their work. The core principle of academic honesty is simply that when you use the work of others in your own work, it is important to give them full credit. The way to give credit to another author is to properly reference, or cite, that author as the source of the information you are using.
    In this course, you are required to make two kinds of citations in your written work:
    • In-text citations: Used to credit a reference source within the text of your paper.
    • Reference list citations: A list of all references cited in the paper, located at the end of a paper.
    • APA Citation Style
      Capella University has adopted the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA manual) as its guide to editorial style, including citations. Using APA style is one of the requirements for written assignments in your degree program.
      If you have not used APA style in the past, you will need time and practice to learn how to use it effectively and efficiently. In this course, you may earn a rating of proficient by applying the rudiments of APA style to in-text citations and references. To earn a rating of distinguished, you will need to exhibit strict and nearly flawless adherence to APA formatting.
      To learn the basics of how to use APA citation style for all types of resources, including library articles, online articles, and Web sites, explore the following resources. Download or bookmark the ones you find most useful so you can refer to them later when you are working on assignments.
    • APA Requirements [PDF].
    • Evidence and APA: Additional Resources.
    • Tutorials:
      • APA Module. Skip to the Referencing APA Sources section of this presentation.
      • Anatomy of a Reference.
      • Video: APA Citation Style.
    • RefWorks
      For your undergraduate first course (and in all early courses), we recommend that you capture automatic, technology-generated citations. Technology-generated citations are easily captured from the Capella library and from citation generators on the Internet.
      RefWorks is a citation management tool used to store citations for articles as you research, organize them into folders for easy retrieval, and store any notes you have along the way. Remember to check all citations for accuracy when using computer-generated citation programs.
  • Write Your Discussion Post
    For this week's discussion, choose one of the following for your post:
    • Apply concepts from this week's studies to the RPZ scenario video, Aligning Resources, and consider Charlie’s dilemma. What solution would you suggest to him, and why did you choose it?
    • Explore the Capella University Library further after completing the preparation activities for improving online research skills. Share 2–3 resources you found in the library that you believe will be valuable.
    • Share which of the readings this week offered information you can immediately use at school, home, or work.
    • Response Guidelines
      As you respond to your classmates, share your ideas, experiences, and anecdotal feedback regarding their posts. How have your personal experiences resonated with their ideas? What can you add to their ideas, building upon the connections you have made to the material so far? Don’t forget you can love or like their posts as well.
      Do the following when writing your post:
    • Do not create your post as a reply to this pinned post. Instead, use Yellowdig's Create option to create a new post.
    • Label your post with the hashtag for the week (#Week 3) so that others can sort posts by the week’s topic.
    • If you wish, include links to credible or scholarly articles, videos, images, or other Web resources. These resources could be used to support your post or provide examples.
    • You may also choose to create a slideshow or use audio or video as your discussion post.
    • For help using Yellowdig, please see Using Yellowdig [PDF] and Grading in Yellowdig [PDF]. Or visit Yellowdig Forums, Capella's Campus support page for Yellowdig, with links for technical support.


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