question archive Requirements of the essay Your review should adhere to the following requirements: • A title page that shows your name, instructor’s name, the name, number, and section of the class, and the date

Requirements of the essay Your review should adhere to the following requirements: • A title page that shows your name, instructor’s name, the name, number, and section of the class, and the date

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Requirements of the essay

Your review should adhere to the following requirements:

• A title page that shows your name, instructor’s name, the name, number, and section of the class, and the date.

• An essay (review) that is at least two full pages in length (double-spaced), but no more than three pages using 12 fonts and normal (1 inch) margins.

• Your article review should be cited using the American Psychological Association (APA) intext citation format.

• Your article review should explain the research question being addressed, the methodology used, and the findings.

• In addition, your review should analyze and evaluate the research.

• Essentially you want to provide answers to the questions you should have been asking yourself the second time you read the article – these questions:

(1) What exactly is the researcher studying? (2) What is already known about the topic? (3) What methods are used? (4) What are the researcher’s findings? (5) Do I agree with this research? (6) Do the findings agree with previous research on the topic?

• At the bottom of your review or on a separate page, you should have a “work cited” list (singular because you will probably only cite one work – the article you are reviewing) in APA format.

Guidelines for Writing Article Review Essays

Anything you write should have a beginning (an introduction), a middle (the body), and an end (the conclusion).

In your introductory paragraph, tell the reader what you are doing. Your short introduction should be engaging, it should articulate the research question, it should specify the research article being reviewed, and it should give the reader an overview of what is to come. You might include a sentence or two regarding why you chose the topic. Here’s an example of a good introductory paragraph looks like:

Does the color of your skin matter when you are trying to land an entry-level, low-wage job? A field experiment conducted by Devah Pager and her colleagues (2009) provides compelling evidence that it does. The research of Pager and her partners shows that it isn’t individual “skill deficiencies” or other personal deficits that explain pay and employment gaps: equally-matched non-white job candidates had to work harder than their white counterparts for the same opportunities (Pager, et al, 2009: 916)

In the body of your review, you need to demonstrate that you actually read the article. Pay particular attention to the “methods” and “findings” sections. Don’t ignore the introduction or Term Paper Guidelines – Summer 2021 Page 4 literature review sections but be specific as to what the author(s) research strategy was and what is learned from it. Show that you’ve done your reading by being specific: support your points with quotes or facts from your source.

In the conclusion and analysis section you should evaluate the research – was it valuable? Did it answer the question? What is your opinion of the issue? Do you have any ideas for further research?


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