question archive CHAPTER 6: RECOGNIZE AUTHORS’ WRITING PATTERNS Directions: Read each paragraph, and then decide which pattern has been used to organize the details
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Directions: Read each paragraph, and then decide which pattern has been used to organize the details. Remember to watch for clues words in the main idea sentence, as well as for clue words and signals throughout the paragraph. (Authors do not always use clue words and signals, however.) After you have read each paragraph, ask yourself, “Which pattern has the author used to organize the information in the paragraph?”
Source: Freda Adler, Gerhard Mueller, and William Laufer, Criminology, 4th ed., New York, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2001, pp. 296-97.
The writing pattern is ___________________________________________
When document design is poor, both organizations and society suffer. The Challenger space shuttle blew up because its 0-rings failed in the excessive cold. Poor communication--including charts that hid, rather than emphasized, the data--contributed to the decision to launch. The Columbia space shuttle disintegrated during reentry, and poor communication was again implicated in NASA's failure to ensure the spacecraft was safe. After studying transcripts of meetings, Edward R. Tufte, who specializes in visual presentations of evidence, concluded that engineers did offer their concerns and supporting statistics, but they did so using visuals that obscured the seriousness, and that the piece of foam striking the shuttle was far larger than anything they had tested. In 2000, the badly designed "butterfly ballot" confused enough voters to change the outcome of the US presidential election.
Source: Kitty Locker, Business and Administrative Communication, 7th ed., p. 128. Copyright © 2006 McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Reprinted by permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies.
The writing pattern is ___________________________________________
Source: Dennis Sherman and Joyce Salisbury, The West in the World, New York, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2001, pp. 120-21.
The writing pattern is ___________________________________________
Source: Adapted from Fred Hofstetter, Internet Literacy, 4th ed., p. 83. Copyright © 2005 McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Reprinted by permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies.
The writing pattern is ___________________________________________
Source: Adapted from Mark Getlein, Living with Art, 7th ed., p. 59. Copyright © 2005 McGraw-Hill. Reprinted by permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies.
The writing pattern is ___________________________________________
Most of the work of Congress takes place in the meetings of its thirty-five standing (permanent) committees and their numerous subcommittees, each of which is headed by a chairperson. Committee chairs are always members of the majority party, and they usually have the most seniority (the most consecutive years of service on a particular committee). Seniority is based strictly on time served on a committee, not on time spent in Congress. If a member switches committees, the years spent on the first committee do not count toward seniority on the second one.
Source: Adapted from Thomas Patterson, The American Democracy, 7th Alternate ed., p. 350. Copyright © 2005 McGraw-Hill. Reprinted by permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies.
The writing pattern is ___________________________________________
Source: Stephen Haag, Maeve Cummings, and Amy Phillips, Management Information Systems, 6th ed., pp. 150-51. Copyright © 2007 McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Reprinted by permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies.
The writing pattern is ___________________________________________
Source: Sylvia Mader, Inquiry into Life, 9th ed., New York, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2001, p. 6.
The writing pattern is ___________________________________________
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