question archive What you do with computing has the potential to change the world

What you do with computing has the potential to change the world

Subject:BusinessPrice: Bought3

What you do with computing has the potential to change the world. As a current or future business analytics practitioner, you will be faced with many challenges where you will have to think about the full impact of your decisions, especially as it relates to data. To help support these current and future opportunities for decision making, you will work with your groups to explore and discuss the Association for Computing Machinery’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (Links to an external site.) and the American Statistical Association’s Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice (Links to an external site.), and write a brief narrative about it, or make a video on the topic.

Below is an outline of what the expectations are for you and your group as you complete this assignment:

Part 1 for Association of Computing Machinery’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct:

  1. Select 1 of the items listed on the Association for Computing Machinery’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct as your topics for your assignment submission. You’ll notice that the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct has four sections in it, “General Ethical Principles”, “Professional Responsibilities”, and “Professional Leadership Principles”. You can choose any items from any of those sections to serve as the topic for your submission. For example, you may choose that you want to write about or present on “2.4 - Accept and provide appropriate professional review”. 
  2. For the item you select:
    1. Write a brief narrative of 5-10 sentences explaining an example of this in practice, where you either describe a fictional situation where this is relevant, or you find a news article that aligns with what is described and elaborate on why you think it is aligned. If you find an example where a company is in violation of the item you chose, please provide details on what you would do differently if you had the opportunity to make a different decision (as if you worked for that company).


Part 2 for American Statistical Association’s Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice:

  1. Select 1 of the items listed on the American Statistical Association’s Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice as your topic for your assignment submission. You’ll notice that the Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice document has several sections within, “Professional Integrity and Accountability”, “Integrity of data and methods”, “Responsibilities to Science/Public/Funder/Client”, “Responsibilities to Research Subjects”, “Responsibilities to Research Team Colleagues”, “Responsibilities to Other Statisticians or Statistics Practitioners”, “Responsibilities Regarding Allegations of Misconduct”. You can choose any item from any of those sections to serve as the topic for your assignment submission. For example, you may choose that you want to write about or present on “2.4 - Accept and provide appropriate professional review”. 
  2. For the item you select
    1. Write a brief narrative of 5-10 sentences explaining an example of this in practice, where you either describe a fictional situation where this is relevant, or you find a news article that aligns with what is described and elaborate on why you think it is aligned. If you find an example where a company is in violation of the item you chose, please provide details on what you would do differently if you had the opportunity to make a different decision (as if you worked for that company).

Note: there is also an “Association for Information Systems Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (Links to an external site.)” available, though it is an adaptation of the ACM version and you can choose this version instead of the ACM version for your assignment if you would like to.


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