question archive Complete both discussions
Subject:BusinessPrice:13.86 Bought7
Complete both discussions. Please create a new thread for each theme and identify in the subject line the theme for which you are responding. In responding to the discussions and to other students, please be sure to use the course material using in-text citations and a reference list to cite the source(s) used. Remember, an in-text citation cannot exist without having a corresponding reference list and a reference list cannot exist without having a corresponding in-text citation. Use of the course material using in-text citations and a reference list is always expected in the discussions and good practice for the assignments in the course.
Discussion 1A:
Project managers drive change and innovation. Reading about the history of project management shows you the innovation it drove in the past. Now take a moment to think about an exciting product or service that you use – it was also built by a team led by a project manager. Go onto a job search website (e.g. Monster, Careerbuilder, Indeed) and type in “project manager” as a search term. Note how many responses come back, then narrow the search to look for companies that provide the product or service you chose. See what types of project managers they are looking for and find a posting that you might be interested in. Explain where you looked and the number of jobs you found. Then explain why you chose that company, that particular job, and what the requirements are for that position. Include a link to the web page that contains the job description you chose.
Discussion 1B:
Watt (2014) makes a significant case for communication skills to be the most important skill or characteristic in a project manager. After communication skills, what is the next single most important skill or characteristic in a project manager to ensure project success? Defend your choice and be sure to use the course readings. (Choose just one skill or characteristic, then make a case!) If you choose to respond to others in this theme, select someone who identified a different skill or characteristic than what you chose and try to convince them why your selection is more important.
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