New Perspectives PowerPoint 2019 | Module 5: SAM Project 1a
Los Angeles Conference Center Event Facilities
Integrating PowerPoint with Other Programs
Open the file NP_PPT19_5a_FirstLastName_1
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New Perspectives PowerPoint 2019 | Module 5: SAM Project 1a
Los Angeles Conference Center Event Facilities
Integrating PowerPoint with Other Programs
- Open the file NP_PPT19_5a_FirstLastName_1.pptx, available for download from the SAM website.
- Save the file as NP_PPT19_5a_FirstLastName_2.pptx by changing the “1” to a “2”.
- If you do not see the .pptx file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.
- To complete this SAM Project, you will also need to download and save the following data files from the SAM website onto your computer:
- Support_PPT19_5a_CostBreakdown.xlsx
- Support_PPT19_5a_EventSpaces.docx
- Support_PPT19_5a_ExhibitorServices.docx
- Support_PPT19_5a_FoodCosts.xlsx
- Support_PPT19_5a_SanDiegoConventionCenter.pptx
- With the file NP_PPT19_5a_FirstLastName_2.pptx still open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed in the presenter notes on Slide 1.
- If the presenter notes do not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.
- In your role as event coordinator for the Los Angeles Conference Center, you develop a presentation describing conference facilities for groups interested in holding an event at the center. Start by changing the stacking order of the pictures and objects on Slide 1 as follows:
- Bring the oval picture to the front.
- Bring the sun shape forward so that it appears in front of the picture of the conference room.
- Bring the picture of the food forward so that it overlaps the oval shape.
- Bring the content placeholder containing the text "CONFERENCE CENTER" to the front.
- On Slide 2 ("Our Mandate"), reset the slide layout.
- On Slide 3 ("What We Offer"), send the star shape to the back.
- On Slide 4 ("Rooms & Spaces"), embed and then modify a Word table as follows:
- In Word, open Support_PPT19_5a_EventSpaces.docx, then select and copy the table.
- Paste the table as an embedded object below the bulleted items.
- Set the width of the table object to exactly 9".
- Merge the two cells in row 1 so that the text spans both columns.
- In PowerPoint, use Smart Guides to position the table so that its left edge is even with the bulleted items as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Table Positioned on Slide 4
- With Slide 4 ("Rooms & Spaces") still displayed, highlight the text "350,000 square feet" in yellow.
- On Slide 5 ("Food & Beverage Services"), split the bulleted items into two columns.
- On Slide 6 ("Sample Food & Beverage Costs"), embed Excel worksheet data from the Excel file Support_PPT19_5a_FoodCosts.xlsx, then edit the worksheet in Excel from PowerPoint as follows:
- Change the fill color of the three cells in row 1 to Green, Accent 6, Lighter 80%.
- Apply bold to cell A5.
- Exit the embedded object and increase the width of the Excel worksheet object in PowerPoint to 5".
- Use Smart Guides to position the embedded object on the slide as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Embedded Excel Worksheet Positioned on Slide 6
- Switch to Outline view and then move Slide 8 ("Event Services") above Slide 7 ("Sample Event Cost Breakdown"). Return to Normal view.
- On Slide 7 ("Event Services"), change the animation option so that the animated text dims to green after the animation.
- On Slide 8 ("Sample Event Cost Breakdown"), send the oval picture to the back so that it appears behind the text object.
- On Slide 9 ("Cost Breakdown Chart"), open Support_PPT19_5a_CostBreakdown.xlsx, copy the chart, and then paste it on Slide 9 as a linked chart using the Use Destination Theme and Link Data paste option.
- With Slide 9 ("Cost Breakdown Chart") still selected, modify the linked chart in PowerPoint as follows:
- Apply the Style 9 chart style.
- Change the Height of the chart to 5" and the Width of the chart to 7".
- Use Smart Guides to position the chart as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Pie Chart Sized and Postioned on Slide 9
- On Slide 10 ("Exhibitor Services"), insert the Word file Support_PPT19_5a_ExhibitorServices.docx as an object from file.
- Reuse the slide titled "Visiting" from the Support_PPT19_5a_SanDiegoConventionCenter.pptx presentation as the last slide in the presentation.
- Set up the presentation so that Slide 3 ("What We Offer") is hidden during the slide show.
- Switch to Slide Sorter view and work with sections in the presentation as follows:
- Add a new section named Facilities between slides 2 and 3 of the presentation.
- Rename the "Untitled Section" section using Services as the name.
In Slide Sorter view, your presentation should look like the Final Figure on the following page. Save your changes, close the presentation, and exit PowerPoint. Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your completed project.
Final Figure
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