question archive for this course consists of the following essay

for this course consists of the following essay

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for this course consists of the following essay. Your response should be your own work, written in your own words, and based on the assigned readings and our discussions about them. Do not consult any outside sources for this assignment. I want to see reflected in your responses your own engagement with the material we studied this semester, not what you might be able to find online. Your essay should be 3-5 typed, double-spaced pages. Upload your essay to Canvas in a single Word document no later than Wed., May 12, at 10:00 PM. Course Overview This course has had the following main purpose: to help us think seriously about and articulate a provisional answer to the question “what is love?” We study love because, while it intensely moves us by attaching us most deeply to another and by providing so many of our greatest joys and sorrows, our understanding of it is insufficient. Everyone we know not only has strong feelings about love but is often also perplexed about it. Among enduring questions, the question of love is rare in that we worry about it without prodding from intellectuals. The questions we pose to ourselves without prompting are, I think, both good in themselves and bridges to other questions we may not have considered yet. Is love an expansive feeling that one self-sufficient person feels for another, or is it a need that drives an incomplete person to seek someone to make him or her whole? Is love fairly reasonable, so that we can inquire into whom we should love, or is it fundamentally mysterious and spontaneous, offering itself only to people who know reason’s limits? Is love an end in itself or part of a bigger pursuit, of communion with God, or of happiness, or of immortality, or, for that matter, of success in the struggle to pass on our genes? Essay Question Select one text (a book, an article, or a chapter) we read this semester that you think provides the best answer to the question, what is love? Write an essay in which you explain how the text you selected answers this question and why of all the texts we read this semester it provides the best answer to the question. In developing your essay, • explain your understanding of the question “what is love?” and its importance; • provide an answer to this question and support your answer to the question with evidence from the text you selected; and • show evidence that you have based your answer on careful consideration of opposing perspectives by discussing at least three other texts we read this semester that provide alternative answers to, or approaches to answering, this question. At least one of these three texts must be from the different disciplinary approaches we read in the final two weeks of the course (biochemistry, psychology, anthropology, and evolutionary theory).HLAS 102-01 Introduction to HLAS – Language & Literature Topics Final Exam The final exam for this course consists of the following essay. Your response should be your own work, written in your own words, and based on the assigned readings and our discussions about them. Do not consult any outside sources for this assignment. I want to see reflected in your responses your own engagement with the material we studied this semester, not what you might be able to find online. Your essay should be 3-5 typed, double-spaced pages. Upload your essay to Canvas in a single Word document no later than Wed., May 12, at 10:00 PM. Course Overview This course has had the following main purpose: to help us think seriously about and articulate a provisional answer to the question “what is love?” We study love because, while it intensely moves us by attaching us most deeply to another and by providing so many of our greatest joys and sorrows, our understanding of it is insufficient. Everyone we know not only has strong feelings about love but is often also perplexed about it. Among enduring questions, the question of love is rare in that we worry about it without prodding from intellectuals. The questions we pose to ourselves without prompting are, I think, both good in themselves and bridges to other questions we may not have considered yet. Is love an expansive feeling that one self-sufficient person feels for another, or is it a need that drives an incomplete person to seek someone to make him or her whole? Is love fairly reasonable, so that we can inquire into whom we should love, or is it fundamentally mysterious and spontaneous, offering itself only to people who know reason’s limits? Is love an end in itself or part of a bigger pursuit, of communion with God, or of happiness, or of immortality, or, for that matter, of success in the struggle to pass on our genes? Essay Question Select one text (a book, an article, or a chapter) we read this semester that you think provides the best answer to the question, what is love? Write an essay in which you explain how the text you selected answers this question and why of all the texts we read this semester it provides the best answer to the question. In developing your essay, • explain your understanding of the question “what is love?” and its importance; • provide an answer to this question and support your answer to the question with evidence from the text you selected; and • show evidence that you have based your answer on careful consideration of opposing perspectives by discussing at least three other texts we read this semester that provide alternative answers to, or approaches to answering, this question. At least one of these three texts must be from the different disciplinary approaches we read in the final two weeks of the course (biochemistry, psychology, anthropology, and evolutionary theory).

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