question archive picture below is a mammal Dog skull Compare the teeth in the jaw of a reptile with that of a mammal

picture below is a mammal Dog skull Compare the teeth in the jaw of a reptile with that of a mammal

Subject:WritingPrice:12.89 Bought3

picture below is a mammal Dog skull

  1. Compare the teeth in the jaw of a reptile with that of a mammal. In a sentence or two, describe how the mammal dentition differs.
  2. Draw one of the mammal skulls shown here, and label the incisors, canines, premolars, and molars.
  3. For each of the 4 teeth types you have labelled, give a description of its specialized function (piercing, tearing, chewing, etc.)

pick two of them to: picture1 and picture 2

  1. Draw and label with the correct ornamentation
  2. Compare and contrast the two ornaments you have chosen. Describe the differences in morphology, development, and function/s of the ornaments.

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