question archive Unit 2: Evaluation - Art Elements Introduction Understanding a work of art really means thinking about the artist's choices
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Unit 2: Evaluation - Art Elements
Understanding a work of art really means thinking about the artist's choices. Everything in a work of art, the artist has either put there, or allowed it to remain. An artwork is really just a big pile of choices to think about. Each choice is an expression. Why this kind of line, or that kind of shape, or this color rather than a different line, shape or color, or even none at all? How we interpret, think and feel about a work is based on the total effect of these choices.
The first set of choices to think about are the Visual Elements. Like the individual words in a paragraph or tones in a song, visual elements don't convey the whole experience on their own, but they are a vital part to building it. When thinking about a work of art, looking at each visual element and how it is used or not used as well as what it conveys tells us a little bit about what's going on.
Unit Learning Outcomes
Using the terms you’ve learned, describe how this artist uses the following art elements within this work.
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