question archive Following are the drawbacks of Bohr's model : 1)This theory only explains the origin of spectrum in one electron systems ( hydrogen, He+, Li+, Be+,etc) but not the origin of spectrum in multi-electron systems like He , Li, Be,etc
Subject:ChemistryPrice: Bought3
Following are the drawbacks of Bohr's model :
1)This theory only explains the origin of spectrum in one electron systems ( hydrogen, He+, Li+, Be+,etc) but not the origin of spectrum in multi-electron systems like He , Li, Be,etc.
2)Bohr suggested circular orbits of electrons around the nucleus of hydrogen atom, but researches have shown that motion of electron is not in a single plane., but it takes place in three dimensional space. Actually, the atomic model is not flat.
This is bohr's model:
But in actual the atomic model is like this :
3- Bohr's model does not explain Zeeman or Stark effect.