Studyhelpme is your destination for all types of History Assignments

We are quite sure that our solutions are always better than others for our experts are experienced professionals who are still attached to several renowned universities. They know the format and rules for writing an assignment in history. Our experts will also help you to choose the best career option that is suitable for you and also tell you about the different lucrative career opportunities in this field. So if you want us to shape your future then you have to definitely approach us.We are always ready to accept all new challenges from your end so whatever might be the topic of your assignment do approach us without any hesitation. Our experts are experienced in handling several assignments related to history. Just write to us that you need history assignment help through our website and we will respond to your requirements immediately.

History Assignment Help in USA

We have a team of experts spread all across the USA who would readily help all the students of the USA who are in need of history assignment help. Students may not follow the instructions given by the teachers or they find the subject too vast to cope with the syllabus as well as the assignments. Improper knowledge will lead to poor grades in examinations so it is advisable to take our experts' guidance to complete your history assignment.

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History Assignment Help in Australia

Every assignment has a deadline and the students need to submit their assignments before the final date. Australian universities are strict about the rules; otherwise the assignment will not be accepted if you fail to complete before the scheduled date. Students also may not be aware of the proper format that should be followed while writing answers for the assignment. We are there to help the students with everything they need.

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History Assignment Help in Globally

Our team of experts are present all across the globe apart from the above mentioned countries. You may belong to any country, you can definitely avail our history assignment help, for our team of experts know about the different parameters followed by different renowned universities. We have solved history assignments of students who belong to UAE, South Africa,  India, Kuwait, New Zealand, Jordan, Maldives,  Dubai, Qatar and so on. History Assignment Help in Singapore has greatly helped the students of Singapore.

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History Assignment Help in UK

History can be difficult for students at any level so you have to come to us to complete your assignments in history. Our experts are attached to different renowned universities of the UK so you need not worry about the norms followed by your university. Our experts are experienced and thousands of students are taking help from us on a daily basis. We are the best service providers of history assignments and be assured of achieving A+ grades if you take our help.

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History Assignment Help in Canada

History students who belong to Canada can now rejoice because we will solve your history assignments while you can sit back and relax. Avail our services to pass all your academic hurdles comfortably rather than pondering over how to solve the assignments. Every problem has a solution only you have to apply for it before it is too late. Your worries can have a serious effect on your mental and physical health so just lose your burden of assignments with our solutions.

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Why Choose StudyHelpMe

Complete your Assignments

Students often approach us with incomplete assignments or they do not have the sufficient information to write answers for their assignments. Our experts provide high quality authentic solutions at a surprisingly cheaper rate. Since we work for students and our service rates are reasonable as we want to help all the students across the globe irrespective of their financial conditions. We are an online platform providing solutions and support to all the students across the world. We have a record of solving 5000+ assignments and are also doing it everyday. If you still have not taken our services yet then you would be the only one left out.

Authentic Solutions

Our experts start writing every answer after undertaking a thorough research from the sources available in the library online. We can assure you that our solutions are perfect and enriched with vocabulary so that it will not impress the teacher but will also help you to get the topmost grade for your academic papers. Our solutions speak for our services and our motto is to build long term relationships with our students. Our solutions would definitely force you to come back to us for no one can give you such high quality answers for such a cheaper rate. If you want to know more about us then avail our services just once.

Proofreading every Answer

We also have a team of proofreaders who carefully check all the answers for minor errors or regarding the quality of the answers before finally delivering it to the students. So avail the best higher history assignment help from world class experts before it is too late for you. Students are aware of the fact that academic grades decide the future of every student. Let us help you to fulfill your dreams in life by allowing you to attain the topmost level in academics with our solutions. So avail our services for any topic in history and for any level of academics.

Unlimited Free Revisions

Though our solutions are perfect and up-to-date and do not need any revisions, still if you want to change as per your choice then you can always do it. We also allow you to make as many alterations you need absolutely free of cost. We want to make sure that our students are happy and satisfied with our work and to achieve that goal we will take care of all your demands. We are there for your needs only you have to scroll down through our website and reach us to avail our services.

Our Online History Assignment Help Features

Excellent Team of Experts

Our team of experts are skilled and experienced who will not only solve your assignments but will also help you to understand the subject even better with the help of live sessions. You have the freedom to ask any sort of questions and as many as you can to clear all your doubts. They are friendly and will try to understand your requirements first and then help you to solve your doubts. Avail our services now to have a flawless, accurate and authentic solution for your assignments.

Plagiarism Free content

Our experts will provide all the information that they have gathered through rigorous research work in your answer. They will work as per your instructions but using citations and references wherever possible so that the solution becomes unique and outstanding and it reflects your hard work.  We write plagiarism free content as we have the required software to check plagiarism if our students demand it then we can surely show them.

Our Experts are always Available Online

Our experts are always available online to meet your deadlines. So if you need help on an urgent basis then please be assured that our experts will work day and night on your assignment and will help to complete and submit it before the final date. We also maintain regular contact with our students to update them about the progress of our work and wait for your feedback even after the submission of your assignment. 

Customized Solutions

Hire our team of experts to solve all your assignments because we can understand your needs better. We have the experience in handling several assignments and have also fulfilled the demands of thousands of students all around the globe. You will get solutions as per your requirement just depend on us for all your needs.

Timely Delivery

What makes us the best solution provider of several assignments is the timely delivery of our history assignment help. Come to us whenever you get stuck with your assignments and experience the way we handle everything for you. Your burden is our worry as long as we are there to help you so stop struggling anymore and crying over petty issues, get your assignments done quickly and easily by our scholars.

Maintaining Students Privacy

Our motto is to attain 100% satisfaction from your end for our hard work and dedication so we  maintain the privacy of our students. We never disclose the identity of our students to the third person, rather we feel proud when our students share their journey of achievement and success with us. So let us become the leaders to help you to undertake your future endeavors successfully without any trouble.

How It Works


Post Your Requirement

Submit all your homework and assignment details via our form. Include all the additional files, information to get the best solutions.


Receive Completed Assignment

Receive the highest-quality of assignment or homework project within the deadline to score A+ grades with zero plagiarism.


Check Your Email

Receive a reasonable and affordable quote for your homework/assignment. Reach to an agreement over price and budget through email for your posted question/topic.


Make Payment

Visit the “Pay Here” page and make payment for the agreed price of the assignment. We accept payment via PayPal, debit/credit cards.

Work Sample

Rise of the German War Machine and the Consequences of Militarism

Rise of the German War Machine and the Consequences of Militarism

On September 30th of 1862, a debate raged in the Prussian Parliament regarding whether or not to increase state military appropriations. 

1.2 Assignment (Introduction to History)

1.2 Assignment (Introduction to History)

In my opinion, a man is a product of his past, as Rich Warren says, "We are the products of our past, but we don't have to be prisoners of it."

The American Civil War History Assignment  

The American Civil War History Assignment  

The American Civil War was a civil war in the United States from 1861 to 1865, fought between northern states loyal to the Union and southern states that had seceded to form the Confederate States of America. 

Korematsu v. the United States (1944)

Korematsu v. the United States (1944)

After the attacks on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. military was concerned that any domestic citizens of Japanese descent could pose a threat by providing aid to Japan.  

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass 

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass 

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass turned out to be a much better read the second time around for me. 

Ernest Jünger’s Report on Storm of Steel 

Ernest Jünger’s Report on Storm of Steel 

Ernest Jünger’s Storm of Steel is mainly the personal memoirs of a soldier in the First World War.  

History 146

History 146

In an era of harsh realities and increasing sectionalism, Frederick Douglass and Harriet Jacobs stood out amid the controversy in what came to be one of the most significant periods in American history.  

For The Sake Of Duty and Honor

For The Sake Of Duty and Honor

Young, rugged, distinguished, timid, fearful, excited, confused. Only a few words accurately describe the faces of the soldiers on the cover of this book. 


Our Services

Homework Services

Homeworks in history is usually given in school and students have to handle homeworks in more than one subject at the same time. Most of the students find history to be a boring subject so they don't want to do the homework for this subject. You can always approach us for the solutions of your homeworks and we will provide you ready-made solutions that you have to write and submit before the final submission date.

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Thesis Services

Thesis writing is time consuming and needs a lot of research. Your paper will not be accepted if you cannot prove your point by providing several references. You need not worry about that for we cover every section of history whether it is cultural, social, political or economic concepts of the past and their relevance in the present.

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Dissertation Services

Dissertation writing means a systematic development of the topic in detail and sharing your in-depth knowledge about the same. This type of writing also requires a lot of research work with complete citations must be used to support your arguments and ideas. If you are finding difficulty in writing your dissertation paper please avail our experts guidance to get the top notch history assignment writing help.

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Essay Services

Long essay type questions are always expected in history regarding any of the sections of history. You have to gather a lot of information before writing essay type answers. The events and dates must be mentioned in sequence. Our experts can guide you to write your answers from the books written by well renowned historians.

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Paper Writing Services

History papers must be written carefully by stating a clear idea on the given topic, analyze the given topic in detail and give citations wherever possible. Your references should be adequate to the given topic. Then you have to maintain the chronological order of incidents and be careful about the order. Your answers should have relevance from the present also. If you need help to complete your history papers approach us immediately.

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Services Other Than History Assignment

Our services are not only limited to history assignment writing help but we also provide help in various other branches of academics like Finance assignment help, Law assignment help, Anthropology assignment help, Economics assignment help, Nursing assignment help and so on. It is not possible to mention all the subjects here so you may have difficulty in solving assignments in any of subjects in your academics approach us without any hesitation and we will help you to complete all your assignments.

Related Services

Frequently Asked Questions

1What are the common mistakes made by students while writing the assignments?

Students must be more cautious while writing the events together with the dates because incorrect data can fetch you poor grades in your exams. Students know that memorizing dates and the events pose a big challenge to them so it is always advisable to prepare your history syllabus well ahead of your exams. Students mostly start revisions just before their exams which also leads to poor grades. Students should know that history assignments can help them to raise their scores so they should pay more attention to writing their assignments. Students facing trouble with the subject must take help from us otherwise you would suffer in the end.

2 What steps must be followed to write answers in history?

You have to do a lot of research before writing your answers so first make a draft which will have all the important information related to the topic, include citations and references and finally revise your answer thoroughly before writing the original assignment.

What is History?

History is the study of the past events and how it changed the course of our life. Here we come to know about the rulers and their kingdoms, the wars they undertook, the prevailing culture and norms of the society during that period and so on. Students need to develop a thorough understanding of the subject together with significance, changes and its effect, sources, causes for such changes, the various perspectives, contestability and so on. They have to gather detailed information from the written materials, photographs, artfacts, articles and other reliable sources.

Why is History Assignment Help important?

History is a vast subject and the various assignments in history test the knowledge and understanding of the students and of course you have grades alloted for your assignments. Do not neglect your assignment if you want to score the highest grade in this paper. If you find difficulty in solving your assignment or if you are not sure of your answers then you are always welcome to take our history assignment help. We will help you to complete your assignment well ahead of the submission date and we will also help you to build your confidence about the subject.

We will provide you solutions for different branches of history for we cover almost all the topics in our history writing assignment help. Let us discuss the various branches of history:

Ancient History

Ancient History dates back to the period of old Greece, Rome, Stone Age, Egypt, Maya and it is the time when human beings started recording their past through archaeological artifacts and the notable writings of Herodotus, Thucidydes, Tacitus, Plutarch and so on. Students have to collect old records and datas for writing assignments related to ancient history. Our team of experts will write the assignment on your behalf after undertaking a thorough research on the topic so do approach us and get your assignments done by us.

Medieval History

Medieval means middle which means the period that falls between the ancient progress and the modern era. Here the students have to study about the fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the reformation period. Then there was the occurrence of a disease named Black Death which killed almost 20 million European people. This period encountered warfare and revolution which lead to the unstable growth in population, and more and more people started believing in different religion which also lead to the emergence of Islam. We provide history assignment writing help for various topics related to medieval history. Come to us if you desire to score A+ grades in your assignments.

Modern History

Modern History refers to the period from the 18th century to the present. Here students come to know about the socio political scenario and the advancement of science and technology, the influences of culture and religion. This period marked the beginning of the industrial revolution. Students can expect assignments related to topics such as the Cold War, Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations, World War II and so on. Every period in history has its significance and is marked with specific events and incidents which may confuse you but our team of experts will help you to understand the same easily.

Social History

It deals with the study of the social changes that occurred at different places all over the world and how it was perceived by the common people from time to time. 

Political History

Political issues like the rulers' succession and defeat, the wars that incurred huge losses to the society brought about significant changes in the life of common people. We provide solutions to assignments for every topic so you can approach us whenever you get stuck with your history assignments.

Economic History

The significant growth in the economy depends on the socio-political scenario of that place. Students will have to analyze the business endeavors and the economic conditions of the present and also one can compare it with ancient times to understand the reason behind drastic changes that lead to the unstable state of an area.

Military History

Military history is concerned with the role of the militants in different wars and events of the past. The various technological innovations that came into existence and its impact on society. 

Cultural History

Culture and religion greatly influenced the formation of several periods of history. Students can understand the different groups of people closely through their culture. They can understand the rituals, customs, festivals, music and so on as it varies according to the place and people.

Significance of Historical events with dates

This portion covers the major part in history. We can also say that history is linked to various events and the dates of their occurrence. Students have to know the important historical events that took place in different parts of the world together with the dates in detail.

Renowned Historical Personalities

Students have to read and learn about famous historical personalities and their contributions to society. Their lives have always been a source of inspiration for the common man. They are remembered even today for their work and devotion that helped in the development of society and mankind as a whole.

Types of History Assignment.

Students who have taken up history in university level will have to deal with  assignments such as case study, essay type, PowerPoint presentations of a given topic, thesis, dissertations and so on. Take our help if you want to carry on with this paper for we provide higher history assignment help as per your requirement. Academic grades matters for every student if one desires to carry on with the studies and also want to settle down in future in this field. We will do the research work on your behalf and also explain it to you step-by-step so that you can deliver the best assignment and get the praises for your work from your teachers.

Studyhelpme - the best History Assignment Help service.

History is no doubt a vast subject and that is the reason why students struggle with the various sections of history starting from the prehistoric period to the present. It is also difficult to remember the dates when the incidents actually took place. has a team of scholars who can show you the easiest way to remember every section of history and also the dates by unfolding it in the form of fairy tale stories. Undoubtedly you would enjoy your study with our experts for we not only provide solutions to the assignments but also help you to understand the subject like never before. Come and experience history with us from a different angle.

Why do students ask us to do my History assignment?

Students face difficulty with history assignments because they have to gather detailed information about any topic and also write in sequence the events and the dates which can often be boring for them. Teachers fail to inculcate interest among the students regarding the subject. Students fail to realize the significance of history in our life and how it has helped man to reach the present scenario. Students are also involved in more than one activity so they do not have time for research work before writing the assignment. Avail our history assignment writing help to get your assignments done quickly and easily.

Stop struggling with the History assignment.

Do not worry about your assignments as long as we are there beside you. We can boastfully say that we are the number one service provider for history assignments for our students who have scored A+ grades in this paper with our help and have shared their awesome experiences with us.

Benefits Of Taking Help With History Assignment Writing Service.

Do not let history bother you too much for we are providing a handful of benefits for our students so get enrolled without any delay. We will give you the best and also customized solutions at an affordable rate. We deal with history assignments from school level to PhD level so you can approach us for any sort of help. Our team of scholars are always available online for they are working 24x7 to support all the students who are in need of history assignments. We will also allow you for free revisions and have the desired source to check plagiarism if any. We have access to different libraries online which even our students are allowed to use. If you desire to know more about us then join us to collect a free sample solution from our experts.

3How can you get the perfect solution from us?

We have the required software to check plagiarism for all your answers and we are always ready to show it to you. We do not charge anything for this service and you have the opportunity to check and recheck the solutions till you are perfectly satisfied with the solutions.

4 What are the different sources we depend upon to give you the solutions?

We have access to giant libraries where all kinds of books and articles are available that give detailed accounts of the past. They serve as a great source of knowledge for our expert writers. Our experts craft their solutions by gathering all the necessary information and data related to your assignment.

5 What is historiography?

Historiography is the art of writing history by experts. There are various schools that give a complete in depth knowledge about the various concepts and ideas related to history. If the students can develop a clear idea of these schools then they will never get confused with the chronological order of the events. The various schools are Greek school of history writing, Christian school, Enlightenment school, Annalise school of writing history, British Maxist, Post Modernist and so on.

6 What is the purpose behind keeping records of facts and events in history?

Human beings have a short lived memory so we need to keep a record of everything if we want the future generations to know about it. Moreover it is also important to know about the social, cultural, political and economic conditions of the past and how we have evolved apart from our individual identity. This knowledge also paves the way for many developments in the near future.
