Module 06 – Religion and Happiness
Religion and Happiness Religion plays a significant role in happiness. Faith or religion encourages us to live in the best nature, leading us to act willingly, voluntarily, and happily.
DownloadReligious studies 101 Challenging Authority and The Green Reformation
The approaches that Christians generally take towards the environment often reflect the strong authority of tradition in their history.
DownloadIntro to Religious Studies Reflection on “The Song of Songs”
My first impression of this song is that it is about love. I think the song is very emotional. The two characters seem to be very fond of each other.
DownloadReligion and Poetry Definition of the Cosmos
The poems for this week’s theme of the “cosmos” present an intriguing paradigm in religious/spiritual/scientific thought.
DownloadImmortality and the Hallucinations of the Paranormal Afterlife
The portrayal of an afterlife appears in various forms suggesting that the belief in immortality, or the existence of the deceased souls, continues to linger on with the living.
DownloadEDUC 798
Dr. Eric Lovik Having a Christian worldview is more than just being able to teach the ways of Christ; it is also being able to live it.
DownloadImportance of Humanity and Divinity of Jesus
Throughout the New Testament, there are various ways in which Jesus was the same as us.