Best Online Dissertation Writing Help in the UK

A dissertation, although just a document, is used to judge the capacity and capabilities of the student. This is because of the nature of research understanding, knowledge, and delivery of researched content on the paper. Other than this, it also tests various other capabilities of the student. But a dissertation takes weeks to months to complete which can put the student under extreme stress and tension. This can also lead to the work being not completed or improper delivery of the content thereby reducing the quality of the work.

We offer help to such students who are looking for help with their Dissertation in the UK. Our services are provided by experts in the field, with years of knowledge, brilliance, expertise, and a reputation around the country. They provide the best help in completing the Dissertation work of students while producing the best quality, content, details, and meaningful sentences. Our tutors are widely in demand and provide help while adhering to the regulations of the institution and the Dissertation conditions. Avail our help today and never worry about your Dissertation.

Best Writing Services in London

Get the best Dissertation writing services in London to complete your work. Write top quality Dissertation, with the best content to stand out among your fellow students. Hold your reputation with a great Dissertation and complete your project with a strong name. And that too for a very low price. Get In touch with us today.

Best Writing Services in Birmingham

If you're in and around Birmingham, then don't worry about your Dissertation help. Avail help from hundreds of experts from various fields and areas to help you with writing a mesmerizing yet powerful Dissertation. Contact our services and get the best Dissertation help in Birmingham at your call for a very reasonable price.

Best Writing Services in other UK Cities

We offer Dissertation help to students across the UK in every major city. Our experts take care to provide quality work, unparalleled content and details, and an impeccable standard. Our services are offered in every city such as Luton, Leeds, Manchester, Preston, Sheffield, Cambridge, Leicester, Swansea, etc. We also offer help across major towns and villages to help the students avail our help.

Best Writing Services in Liverpool

Liverpool can avail the help of experts in and around Liverpool to write the best Dissertation. Access our services to avail yourself of help from top minds in the field and complete your Dissertation without any delay. Get the help of the best experts in the field to complete your Dissertation easily at a very low price.

Best Writing Services in Nottingham

Write Dissertation with the best quality and content with exemplary knowledge and detail imparted in the work. Don't hold back the best Dissertation that you can present yourself for completing the project. Opt for the best Dissertation writing service on the internet and that too for a very reasonable price. Get in touch with us today.

Why Choose StudyHelpMe

Professional Help

Our services are the best in the field and provide professional help that is generally not found in other services. Our experts are renowned in the field, with most of them being Doctorates with years of experience and knowledge. We aim to provide the best services using the best tutors and affordable to the students.

Best Services

We provide the best services in the field and we are known for it. Our experts take care to provide the best service in every aspect, be it the number of details and content, quality, or writing of the content in the Dissertation. We never compromise on the service, be it helping with the work or assisting in other areas to avail of Dissertation help.

Timely Delivery

Our service does not falter in submitting beyond the deadline. Not now, not ever. Our services aim to provide the Dissertation before the said deadline. Generally, we provide the Dissertation work at least a day before the deadline, or on the day under extreme time-bound conditions and submission deadlines.

Unlimited Revision

Our clients are generally satisfied with our work. But sometimes, our clients feel that the Dissertation work can be improved in certain aspects. For them, we revise the content again without charging any additional fees. We revise the content and again run it through for quality, and will be submitted only when the quality is met.

Our Online Dissertation Writing Services UK Features

Unplagiarized Writing

Plagiarism is never favoured by institutions around the world. It is considered an offence because it defines the idea that a student copies their work from another person. Therefore, plagiarism is to be avoided in any work and that is what we always do. Our work is never accused of Plagiarism and all our work is always unique. This is because we start every work from basic details and research which makes every work unique.

Best Quality

Our work is known for its quality. Our experts take immense care and strive to provide the best quality of content possible. The grade of a Dissertation is estimated by the quality it produces and that is not something that we take lightly. We take every bit of possible effort to produce a top-notch Dissertation with absolutely impeccable quality.

Thorough Research

Content is an important requirement to write any work. Thorough research on the topic is the basis upon which the writing of a Dissertation lies. It provides the ultimate requirement of details and facts while adding great knowledge on how to proceed with both the experiment and writing. This is also the main reason why we never produce plagiarized content.

Understanding the Requirements

This is something that most services fail to provide but we do. Our experts understand the importance of rules and conditions as well as the requirements of the students. This helps in writing a student-oriented Dissertation rather than a common work. We also understand the restrictions, deadlines, and the importance of availing help from others.

Renowned Experts

We take pride in the services we offer and a major reason for that is our experts and tutors. Our experts are the best in the field and generally have done a Doctorate study or pursued it, with a zeal for both writing and helping other students. They are renowned across the country for their works and are in demand for hire. Get help from the best minds in the field.

24/7 Services

Our services are offered at all times and in all places across the country. We aim to resolve any issues with our clients at the earliest to avoid any misconception or difficulty faced by them. So, our services can be contacted around the clock at any time to solve any issues, queries, service requirements, and payments. 

How It Works


Post Your Requirement

Submit all your homework and assignment details via our form. Include all the additional files, information to get the best solutions.


Receive Completed Assignment

Receive the highest-quality of assignment or homework project within the deadline to score A+ grades with zero plagiarism.


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Receive a reasonable and affordable quote for your homework/assignment. Reach to an agreement over price and budget through email for your posted question/topic.


Make Payment

Visit the “Pay Here” page and make payment for the agreed price of the assignment. We accept payment via PayPal, debit/credit cards.

Our Services

Homework Services

Homework is one of the most basic tasks that is being given to students. Although based on certain topics and details, it is mainly provided to grow and inculcate knowledge and understanding of the subject. While many are predominantly simple, they can seem difficult and can cause anxiety to the students. We offer homework services to students to help them. Our experts help students across all age groups, irrespective of classes and subjects to complete it.

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Thesis Services

A thesis is an important part of a graduate's career because a Thesis is a supporting document for the project or research done. But it involves a lot of research, understanding, and important skills that need to be exhibited to write a proper Thesis. Get the best Thesis help from the top experts in the field to write the best Thesis that helps you procure the best grades. 

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Assignment Services 

Assignments are an integral part of every student's life. It is one of the most commonly given tasks to help the students gain knowledge. Assignments are given to students irrespective of the field or class of study and across the world. But little is known that it can inculcate stress also. Our services offer the best service for Assignment that gives the best grades that you can procure. 

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Essay Services

Essays are pretty common to work on and require great knowledge on the topic written. Also, a more detailed understanding of how to proceed with an essay is important because Essays portray a particular context and a continuation is necessary to write. Get the best essay writing help to write the perfect Essay from the experts in the World. Write a proper essay that can give you a very big reputation for a very low price.

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Paper Writing Services

Paper writing is a common format that is used to publish their works throughout the world. Research, projects, and studies on various fields, subjects, and topics are published on websites and journals. It helps in increasing the reputation and adds a better prospect in their career. Get the best help to write the perfect Paper. Get the best reputation by publishing a paper carrying the best work and details.

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Services other than Dissertation Writing UK

Our services are offered in a variety of areas and fields. We offer help from the top experts in the world, with great knowledge and experience as a qualification. We offer help in various services such as Homework Services, Thesis Services, Assignment Services, Essay Services, Paper Writing Services.

Related Services

Frequently Asked Questions

1What exactly is a Dissertation?

A dissertation is a written document submitted by the student or author in proof of his work. The document is submitted generally by the student for the project done in his undergraduate, master's, or Ph.D. study. The document describes the work done by the student in detail and all the associated conditions and analyses with it.

Dissertations are present around the world. Institutions across the world require students to submit the Dissertation as a part of their final project. While there exists confusion between Thesis and Dissertation, the former represents Graduate study while the latter represents Doctorate projects done by the student in many countries across the world. In certain countries, the opposite is true. Institutions around the world have their format and conditions by which the Dissertation should be written and submitted. The number of pages, word count, time of the study, and various other factors are specified by the institutions in certain cases. An average undergraduate Dissertation has about 8000 words and can be written between 50-100 pages, Doctorate projects can involve even 50000 words and 300 pages.

The function of a dissertation is to generally specify the work done by the student with all the necessary details. There are various formats and styles for writing and can vary as per the requirement of the institutions. The work is explained in detail through various sections of the Dissertations. The introduction gives a brief idea of how and why the work was chosen, while the literature study shows the various papers, articles, and thesis that were considered for the research while explaining their key aspects with the current study. The methodology explains the work in detail by explaining the methods and parameters used, how the study was conducted and what variables were chosen in the study, while the result explains the findings and inferences that can be obtained from the experiment. Finally, the results and discussion highlight the important key aspects of the study and therefore, summarise the work. Various other sections are also incorporated in the Dissertation such as abstract, table of contents, and bibliography but they don’t explain the project but only act as guides what and where the details are.

The work is submitted to a supervisor or mentor who helps in correction and submission. The work when accepted is recognized universally and is unique only to that author. Dissertations are authorship works and pertain to only that author. It can be cited and referenced for other works but plagiarism is not allowed. Therefore, the work must be thoroughly checked before submission. After submission, it will be screened by scholars in the field which needs to be explained if necessary. Finally, after careful consideration by the screening committee, the project and dissertation will be awarded grades and thus be accepted or rejected.

Dissertation writing helps to gain knowledge on the topic, how to research and find ideas and details, increase language proficiency and reduce grammatical mistakes. It also helps in inculcating which details need to be specified, how to break and form meaningful sentences that convey the details, and even time management. It also gives international exposure to the author and their work, thus boosting the prospects of their career. These make a Dissertation, an important segment and aspect of a student's career and life.

2 Where and to whom is a Dissertation given?

Dissertation is given to students and authors who are pursuing their degrees. Although the confusion between a Thesis and a Dissertation exists between institutions of different countries, it is pretty common to assign the work to students. Institutions in the US take Thesis as the work for undergraduate and master’s work while Dissertation is for Doctorate. But in institutions across the UK and certain places of Ireland, the opposite is assumed. 

Dissertation is given to students pursuing their degree. The students submit their Dissertation work in support of their graduate project work. Institutions across the world necessitate the authors to submit their work for them to complete their graduation work. This is to test the ability of the student’s knowledge in the topic.

Dissertation is given across the world for students in various fields. Various fields employ the use of a Dissertation to test the knowledge of the students. Fields such as Arts, Technology, Science, Humanities, Social studies, etc employ Dissertation as a final work for students to complete their project. Certain other fields and studies also employ Dissertation work such as Medical studies, while many others do not. 

Dissertation works can have a word or page limit prescribed by the institutions that the students must fulfill while submitting. For an undergraduate level, the word and page count are comparatively less with around 8000 words and around 50-80 pages universally while for doctorate work, it can even reach up to 50000 words and 300 pages. There are even prescribed duration of which the students must complete to complete their project work. For Doctorate work, it can even reach 3-4 years for full time and 6-7 years for part-time or occasional studying of Ph.D. After completing and submitting the Dissertation, it will be screened and then finally, your dissertation will be accepted or rejected. 

3How do you write a Dissertation?

Writing a Dissertation is important for almost every student who wishes to complete their degree. The following describes how to write a proper dissertation-

Choose your research topic carefully-

Choose your topic carefully because this topic is what you’re gonna work on as a project and write the Dissertation. So choose the topic and field of your interest and work on it. Focus on a particular context if it interests you more.

Conduct extensive research on the topic-

Conduct complete and deep research on the topic that you choose. Read articles, papers, journals, and research proposals of various authors to obtain ideas and knowledge about how the study was conducted, what and why were they chosen, and how they influence the considered study. This helps in understanding how to proceed with your work and what all should be considered for it.

Understand the requirements-

Know the requirements of what and how should be written. Understand what should be written, which details should be disregarded, what should be stated and supported. Also, consider the details of the format of how the document should be written as per the institution's requirements.

Have a clear goal on how to write-

Have a clear goal on how to write and what details are to be written in the document. Draft an outline and then know the context which needs to explain what details in the document. Get a clear idea of how to write and provide the necessary details, values, and facts in your best way.

Write clearly and as you want-

Writing the Dissertation is one of the most important concepts. Explain every topic in detail and complete, but keep it engaging and to the point that it doesn’t get carried away. Write in your natural style and way and don’t try to imitate others' work or their writing methods. Write in your flair and explain your work without any confusion.

Check if all the requirements are satisfied-

After completing writing the work, check if all the requirements are satisfied. Check if all the formats specified for the writing are fulfilled, all the required details are specified, and if the conditions are satisfied. This helps in avoiding the format mistakes and fulfilling the conditions if any.

Check and recheck for mistakes-

This is perhaps one of the most important tasks while writing a Dissertation. Question the work you write to consider if the details are necessary or should anymore be explained. Check the work for any mistakes, errors, or sentences that need to be edited or reorganised. This helps in increasing the quality and nature of the Dissertation to procure better grades.

Check for plagiarism-

After all this work, check the document for plagiarism online. This helps in avoiding any issues and increases the authenticity of the work because plagiarism is not accepted by institutions.

Ask for opinions and suggestions-

Never be afraid to ask for opinions and suggestions. Asking for suggestions can be from anyone be it your supervisor or mentor, friends, or family. This can help you to get a clear idea of how the Dissertation values and gives us the areas and parts that can be improved. It can also help you get to know mistakes that may have skipped our eyes.

Get supervisor’s approval-

Getting supervisor’s approval is important because they help in increasing the quality and nature of work with their experience. Also, institutions require the approval of supervisors or mentors to accept the Dissertation of the student.

4 How long is an average dissertation in the UK?

Dissertation work can vary in various contexts depending upon the level of study. Depending upon the graduation and studies, the level of dissertation differs in different aspects. Mainly they can be classified into 3 types-

Based upon the word count, for an undergraduate level study, the word count can range averagely between 8000-10000 words. For a postgraduate or a master’s level of study, the average word count can range between 12000-18000 words. The Doctoral work (thesis) is the longest and can range even up to 50000 words. Although this depends significantly upon the field and nature of the study, the average word count is around 15000. The word count in the science field can have an even greater word count due to a large amount of study, research, experimental work, and their inference compared with other contemporary fields. Certain institutions even specify the word count and it varies between different institutions.

The second classification can be based upon the number of pages. This can vary significantly, and a minimum page count can be specified by the institution if required. This context also varies greatly upon the nature of the subject, field of study, and the topic was chosen. For undergraduate and master’s levels of the study, the page count can vary around 80-100 and 100-150 pages respectively. For a Doctoral Thesis, it can even extend between 150-300 pages. Therefore, the page count also depends upon the study done and cannot be estimated exactly.

The third classification is based upon the duration of the Dissertation work. For an undergraduate level, since the word count is less, it takes only a few weeks to a month or two to complete the work. But for a master’s level, it can take a few months, generally between 2 and 4 months to write a Dissertation. But for a Doctoral Thesis, the length it can take can vary significantly between 8-15 months to write it. Although the work can be completed even sooner, the general time taken will be longer due to extensive work. For scientific research works, the writing time can be significantly longer. Institutions can even specify the period of the project and deadline beforehand so that the work duration can be specified.

While all these methods can be used, it depends greatly on the nature of the subject, field of study, the topic chosen, and the institution of study.

5 What is the importance of a Dissertation?

The importance of dissertation can be specified as-

Deep understanding of the subject-

A dissertation is mainly writing of a particular topic of study on a paper. This means that the work must be clearly understood and deep knowledge is required so that only the required details can be specified. Generally, a dissertation cannot be written if the author doesn’t know the subject. 

Research knowledge-

This is one of the main reasons why dissertations are given. Research knowledge is gradually developed into students who work on the project. Working on a project involves reading and understanding various articles and papers therefore slowly inculcating knowledge. This knowledge of the research work is what is mainly used to defend the project in a committee and score the best grades.

International exposure-

Submitting a Dissertation results in an international exposure of work as well as to the author. Dissertations accepted by many institutions are uploaded on the internet which helps in providing international recognition to the author’s work. This provides a major career mark and a boost in the career of the author. 

Knowledge of writing-

Literature knowledge is grown in the author unknowingly when working on a Dissertation work. Researching through various papers and articles, delivering research details, checking for mistakes, and verification of facts with other works helps in the continuous gaining of knowledge. This also helps to simultaneously gain literature knowledge.

6 Can you fail in a Dissertation?

Yes, the author can fail in a Dissertation. When a student fails in a dissertation, the degree will not be awarded to the student, irrespective of the degree and field of study.

There may be numerous reasons due to which the student can fail in his dissertation work such as poor analytical skills, improper method of study or research, inability to properly deliver the details of the project, lack of time to complete the study, grammatical mistakes, inconsistencies in presentation, etc. 

The project and dissertation work needs to be defended in front of a committee that will decide whether the dissertation work passes or fails. Therefore, many factors can contribute to failing the dissertation, but improper research, grammatical mistakes, and sloppy presentation are the major reasons.

When the grades are below the required level for passing, the dissertation work is considered to be failed. When the work is failed, you will not be outrightly rejected but specify the area of mistake and ask to make corrections. Therefore, you can make the corrections and send the Dissertation work again to be defended to earn your degree.

Although it seems scary, many dissertations are not rejected directly and the amount of rejected works is less. Therefore, a properly done project and a well-written Dissertation can earn you your degree. Failing this can result in losing years of work and even your degree.
