Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) is a company that provides a wide range of telecommunication services including simple phone calls, broadband, faxes and data.
Causes of high rates of unemployment in Malaysia
Employability skills and technical skills are the skills that should be obtained by graduates, as those are important criteria that can help them to get jobs.
ECO 310 Country Report
Japan’s first contact with trade with foreign lands came in the form of Portuguese sailors in the sixteenth century and missionaries to the country during the seventeenth century.
A Comprehensive Evaluation of Japan
Japan, nearly the size of California, is an island chain located in the North Pacific Ocean with the Sea of Japan separating it from the Korean peninsula (CIA).
The Amazing Country of Peru
Peru, the Land of the Incas, one of the largest and advanced empires in its time. Peru is a beautiful country just located in the North Western side of South America.
An Emerging Country of Prosperous Business Opportunites
Sri Lanka is located off the coast of India and is a small island nation (CIA).
Important Events and Country Background
During the late 18th and 19th centuries, Great Britain established colonies and protectorates in the area of current Malaysia; these were occupied by Japan from 1942 to 1945.